瞭解榨乳機的清洗與保養,及其對生乳品質的影響;生乳組成、影響乳組成之因子;耐低溫菌對生乳與乳製品品質之影響;生乳與乳製品之品質檢驗項目、檢驗方法、檢驗步驟,以及各原理,分析數據之判讀與解析,維謢優良品質的策略等。Understand the cleaning and maintenance of milk presses and their impact on the quality of raw milk; the factors that affect the formation of raw milk and milk; the impact of low-temperature bacteria resistance on the quality of raw milk and dairy products; the quality inspection items and inspection methods of raw milk and dairy products, Inspection steps, as well as various principles, analysis of data, strategies to improve quality, etc.
§ Teknotext AB. 1995. Dairy Processing Handbook. Tetra Pak Processing Systems AB, S-221 86 Lund, Sweden.
§ OConnor, C. B. 1995. Rural Dairy Technology. International Livestock Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
§ Marshall, R. T. 1993. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products. 16th. Edit. American Public Health Association. Washington, D. C.
§ Atherton, H. V., and J. A. Newlander. 1977. Chemistry and testing of dairy products. AVI Publ. Co. Inc. Westport, Connecticut.
§ Pearson, D., 1976. Dairy products. In “The chemistry analysis of foods.”7th. ed. pp402-487. Chem, Publ. Co Inc..
§ 參考期刊
CONCERT電子期刊聯合目錄 http://ulej.stpi.org.tw/eIndex.asp
§ Teknotext AB. 1995. Dairy Processing Handbook. Tetra Pak Processing Systems AB, S-221 86 Lund, Sweden.
§ OConnor, C. B. 1995. Rural Dairy Technology. International Livestock Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
§ Marshall, R. T. 1993. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products. 16th. Edit. American Public Health Association. Washington, D. C.
§ Atherton, H. V., and J. A. Newlander. 1977. Chemistry and testing of dairy products. AVI Publ. Co. Inc. Westport, Connecticut.
§ Pearson, D., 1976. Dairy products. In “The chemistry analysis of foods.” 7th. ed. pp402-487. Chem, Publ. Co Inc..
§ Reference journal
CONCERT Electronic Journals Joint Directory http://ulej.stpi.org.tw/eIndex.asp
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平常成績平常成績 Normal achievements |
10 | 含上課討論、上課態度、出席狀況。出席率低於實際點名總節次70%者(含),平時上課態度暨學習精神部分成績以零分計,且取消所有考試成績之任何加權。 |
期中考成績期中考成績 Midterm exam results |
20 | |
期末考成績期末考成績 Final exam results |
30 | |
實習課成績實習課成績 Practical course achievements |
40 | 依實習出席率、實驗操作、實驗精神、實習報告、考試成績以及分組期刊研讀報告等計算,由助教評定。 |