course information of 103 - 1 | 2384 Organic Fertilizer and Feed Crops ( Science )(有機肥料與飼料作物學)

Taught In English2384 - 有機肥料與飼料作物學 Organic Fertilizer and Feed Crops ( Science )

教育目標 Course Target

(1)使學生兼具認識作物與土壤之基礎學養。 (2)使學生獲得紮實之基礎學識並建立作物栽培管理與調製之模式。 (3)推廣環境保護認知之課程並營造友善安全之社會環境。(4)教導學生尊重與關懷生命的態度,並建立學生重視環境衛生與植物保護。(5)使學生具有寬廣國際觀視野與勤奮精神及道德觀。(1) To equip students with basic knowledge of crops and soil. (2) To enable students to acquire solid basic knowledge and establish models of crop cultivation management and modulation. (3) Promote environmental protection awareness courses and create a friendly and safe social environment. (4) Teach students an attitude of respecting and caring for life, and establish students' attention to environmental hygiene and plant protection. (5) To enable students to have a broad international perspective, diligent spirit and moral values.

課程概述 Course Description

Feed crops are the source of food for livestock and poultry, and soil is the mother of the earth. Fertile soil is needed for crops to have abundant harvests. In view of the deterioration of soil quality due to the large-scale application of chemical fertilizers due to industrialization in recent years, in order to maintain sustainable agriculture, organic fertilizers are currently an important topic in land management. It makes students care about the environment and allows students to understand crop types, soil and The relationship between crops, cultivation and management, preparation of pasture and understanding the nutritional components of crops, whether feeding them to livestock can meet the nutritional needs and what should be paid attention to are also the key points that should be discussed when engaging in animal husbandry. The entire course is designed to enable students to gain a solid theoretical and practical foundation in organic fertilizers and feed crops, establish a model of crop management operations, and integrate them into life knowledge to prepare for social employment.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 王啟柱,1987。飼用作物學。國立編譯館,台北。
2. 汪呈因,1989。食用作物學。國立編譯館,台北。
3. 盧英權,1986。作物學通論。國立編譯館,台北。
4. 盛澄淵,1988。肥料學。國立編譯館,台北。
1. Wang Qizhu, 1987. Feed crop science. National Compilation and Compilation Center, Taipei.
2. Wang Chengyin, 1989. Edible crop science. National Compilation and Compilation Center, Taipei.
3. Lu Yingquan, 1986. General Introduction to Crop Science. National Compilation and Compilation Center, Taipei.
4. Sheng Chengyuan, 1988. Fertilizer science. National Compilation and Compilation Center, Taipei.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Ordinary test
34 小考、 作業、 與出席率
midterm exam
33 出題方式: 選擇、解釋名詞、問答
final exam
33 出題方式: 選擇、解釋名詞、問答

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/5,6[AG205]
授課教師 Teacher:陳盈豪
修課班級 Class:畜產系2-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 49 人。

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