course information of 103 - 1 | 2247 Social Work Management(社會工作管理)

Taught In English2247 - 社會工作管理 Social Work Management

教育目標 Course Target

1.是「社工」的,是基於社工專業、探討社工組織、說明社工體系的。無論是舉例、解釋、作法、法律、行政命令、思潮等,都是社工方面的。 2.是「管理」的,集中重點談管理,各方面的管理。包括管理的知識、概念、專有名詞、技術與作法。本書的撰寫參考了許多管理學的重要著作,尤其是引述及介紹對當代管理學說影響深遠的許多觀念與作法。也特別多參考全球最重要的管理專業雜誌---哈佛商業評論各期的重要文章。 3.是「實用」的,因為要包含管理的各層面、各主題、各要素,因此必須簡要介紹。1. It is "social work", it is based on the social work profession, discusses social work organizations, and explains the social work system. Whether it is examples, explanations, practices, laws, administrative orders, trends of thought, etc., they are all related to social work. 2. It is about "management", focusing on management and all aspects of management. Including management knowledge, concepts, terminology, techniques and practices. The writing of this book refers to many important works on management, especially citing and introducing many concepts and practices that have a profound influence on contemporary management theory. I also especially refer to important articles in various issues of Harvard Business Review, the world's most important professional management magazine. 3. It is "practical" because it must include all aspects, topics, and elements of management, so it must be briefly introduced.

課程概述 Course Description

社會工作面對各界要求績效的考驗,績效的提高依賴管理,管理使社會工作的服務更有效果。管理的浪潮多年來一直未消退,連最看重人的社工服務都必須引進管理,並接受管理。為什麼?因為管理能幫助社會工作。任何社會工作者從事社會工作專業時應瞭解管理,不論所做的是直接服務或間接服務或其他服務。 管理使社會工作者更有效率地提供專業服務,使案主及社會得到更多的幫助。當社會工作者扮演管理者的角色時,管理更是必須熟練的工具。 社會工作管理是新興的學科,主要借重管理學、組織理論、組織行為等的知識、理論和技巧。但是當這些應用到各類型社會福利組織時,有許多值得深思檢視的議題。管理有全球化的內容,也必須考慮本土化,因此,除了介紹重要的管理概念外,本課程將針對台灣社會工作相關機構的管理作多方面的討論。同時適度考慮「社會工作師」考試的要求。 「社會工作管理」是說明基金會、協會與社會福利機構的管理,也可以適用於學校、教育組織、宗教組織、民間團體、社區發展協會等。本課程是分析「管理」,而不僅是「管理者」,以對事情的討論說明為主。 課程的重點是「組織管理」,重點不是方案管理,也不是談如何管理人或管理自己,而是讓組織能有效率又有績效地運作。課程的主題是「管理」而不僅是「行政」,行政偏向公部門,受到較多法令的限制,管理則需要更多的創新。
Social work faces the test of performance requirements from all walks of life. The improvement of performance depends on management, and management makes social work services more effective. The wave of management has not subsided for many years. Even social work services that value people the most must introduce management and accept management. Why? Because management can help social work. Any social worker entering the social work profession should understand management, whether direct or indirect services or other services. Management enables social workers to provide professional services more efficiently, so that clients and society can receive more help. When social workers play the role of managers, management is a tool that must be skillful. Social work management is an emerging discipline that mainly draws on the knowledge, theories and techniques of management, organizational theory, organizational behavior, etc. But when these are applied to various types of social welfare organizations, there are many issues worthy of careful examination. Management has global content and must also consider localization. Therefore, in addition to introducing important management concepts, this course will discuss various aspects of the management of social work-related institutions in Taiwan. At the same time, appropriate consideration will be given to the requirements for the "Social Worker" examination. "Social work management" describes the management of foundations, associations and social welfare institutions. It can also be applied to schools, educational organizations, religious organizations, civil society groups, community development associations, etc. This course analyzes "management", not just "managers", and focuses on discussion and explanation of things. The focus of the course is "organizational management". The focus is not on program management, nor on how to manage people or yourself, but on how to enable the organization to operate efficiently and performatively. The theme of the course is "management" rather than just "administration". Administration is biased toward the public sector and is subject to more restrictions by laws, while management requires more innovation.

參考書目 Reference Books

Peng Huaizhen (2012) Social Work Management. Taipei: Futaba.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8[SS212]
授課教師 Teacher:彭懷真
修課班級 Class:社工系3A
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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