course information of 103 - 1 | 2245 Methodology of Social Work(社會工作研究方法)

Taught In English2245 - 社會工作研究方法 Methodology of Social Work

教育目標 Course Target

透過研究,讓我們更了解我們所生存的世界!掌握研究方法,我們便可以從知識的接受者,漸漸移動到知識的生產者這樣的位置。社會工作研究方法是社工系的一門基礎必修課,所以這門課我們將著重於講解社會工作研究方法的重要知識概念。同時,在這學期的課程中,我們也會跟著授課進度一步、一步地執行一份量化研究,從實際的演練中了解如何應用量化研究來瞭解與探究生活世界中(當然也包括社會工作的知識與實務)的問題與現象。期待我們可以從這樣的學習,發展出對於社會﹧社會工作相關現象與議題進行探索、描述與解釋的洞察力。Through research, we can better understand the world we live in! By mastering research methods, we can gradually move from the recipient of knowledge to the position of knowledge producer. Social work research methods is a basic required course in the Department of Social Work, so in this course we will focus on explaining the important knowledge concepts of social work research methods. At the same time, in this semester's course, we will also follow the teaching progress to carry out a quantitative research step by step, and learn from the actual exercise how to apply quantitative research to understand and explore the living world (of course, including social work knowledge and practical) problems and phenomena. It is expected that from such learning, we can develop insights into exploring, describing and explaining social and social work-related phenomena and issues.

課程概述 Course Description

「社會工作研究法」這門課旨在協助同學將社會科學研究方法運用到社會工作領域中,協助同學具備進行社會工研究所需的知識,培養同學具備獨立思考與判斷,以及分析與探究事實能力。這門課是大三必修課,首重講解與討論,讓同學們瞭解社會工作研究方法的重要概念、方法與步驟,以及其在社會工作實務上與日常生活上的應用。課程內容包括:社會工作研究基本概念與專有名詞的介紹;各類型研究方法的介紹,包括其發展歷史、基本理念、研究過程與步驟等;如何形成研究問題;如何尋找與整理文獻資料;如何選取研究對象;如何進行資料蒐集;如何進行資料分析;如何進行研究的寫作等。配合上述上課單元的進度,同學必須實際操作一份研究計畫並進行討論,從實際演練中了解從事社會工作研究的步驟與過程,以及其中可能遭遇的問題與困難。期待透過這門課的學習,讓同學能夠具備社會工作核心才能之一 : 有能力針對社會工作領域的相關現象與議題進行探索、描述與解釋。
The course "Social Work Research Methods" aims to help students apply social science research methods to the field of social work, to help students acquire the knowledge required to conduct social work research, to cultivate students' independent thinking and judgment, and to analyze and explore facts. ability. This course is a required course for junior students. It focuses on explanation and discussion to allow students to understand the important concepts, methods and steps of social work research methods, as well as their application in social work practice and daily life. Course contents include: introduction to basic concepts and proper nouns of social work research; introduction to various types of research methods, including their development history, basic concepts, research processes and steps, etc.; how to form research questions; how to find and organize literature; how to Select research objects; how to collect data; how to analyze data; how to write research, etc. In accordance with the progress of the above-mentioned class units, students must actually operate a research project and discuss it. Through the actual exercise, they can understand the steps and processes of social work research, as well as the problems and difficulties they may encounter. We hope that through the study of this course, students will be able to acquire one of the core competencies of social work: the ability to explore, describe and explain relevant phenomena and issues in the field of social work.

參考書目 Reference Books

黃國光譯(Ranjit Kumar 原著)(2014)。研究方法入門與實務。台北:雙葉。
Editor-in-chief Qu Haiyuan (2007). Survey research methods. Taipei: Sanmin.
Translated by Ranjit Kumar (2014). Introduction and practice in research methods. Taipei: Futaba.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Daily quizzes
期 中 考期 中 考
midterm exam
期 末 考期 末 考
final exam
作 業作 業

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-2251 Methodology of Social Work / 社會工作研究方法 (社工系3B,授課教師:呂朝賢,四/6,7,8[SS212])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8[SS201]
授課教師 Teacher:鄭怡世
修課班級 Class:社工系3A
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 64 人。

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