course information of 103 - 1 | 2087 Research Method in Social Science(社會科學研究法)

Taught In English2087 - 社會科學研究法 Research Method in Social Science

教育目標 Course Target

“該問什麼樣的問題?該觀察那些面向?應該蒐集那些資料?如何去蒐集?該用什麼方法蒐集資料?如何判讀資料?又,該如何整合?怎麼下判斷?” 研究社會科學的人,如何去了解社會現象?去耙梳其中複雜的脈絡關係?又如何做出合乎邏輯的解釋?了解社會現象,必須在某種嚴格界定的參考架構中進行。其中,除了相關的理論指引外,更需要一套合乎科學的方法來蒐集、分析資料以獲得有用的資訊。 簡單而言,社會科學研究法乃是針對問題而尋求答案的一種方法,也是一種邏輯思考的訓練。社會科學研究法是一種方法,一種工具,吾人運用這種方法來追求知識。換言之,吾人有系統地使用這些方法來了解所謂的「事實」。社會科學研究法這門課希望能達到下列目標: 一、了解社會科學研究的目的與重要性。 二、探討理論與研究的關係。 三、明暸調查的結構設計之作用。 四、觀察方式的介紹。 五、資料分析方法之掌握。"What kind of questions should be asked? Which aspects should be observed? What data should be collected? How to collect it? What methods should be used to collect data? How to interpret the data? And, how to integrate it? How to make a judgment?" How do people who study social sciences understand social phenomena? To sort out the complex connections? How to give a logical explanation? Understanding social phenomena must proceed within some strictly defined frame of reference. Among them, in addition to relevant theoretical guidance, a set of scientific methods are needed to collect and analyze data to obtain useful information. Simply put, social science research method is a method of seeking answers to questions, and it is also a training in logical thinking. Social science research methodology is a method, a tool, that we use to pursue knowledge. In other words, we systematically use these methods to understand so-called "facts." This course on Social Science Research Law hopes to achieve the following goals: 1. Understand the purpose and importance of social science research. 2. Discuss the relationship between theory and research. 3. Understand the role of structural design of the survey. 4. Introduction to observation methods. 5. Mastery of data analysis methods.

參考書目 Reference Books

Earl Babbie 原著林秀雲 譯。2013年。社會科學研究方法。台北: 雙葉書廊。
Earl Babbie was originally written by Lin Xiuyun and translated. 2013. Social science research methods. Taipei: Shuangye Bookstore.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
Final report
Research project outline report
class participation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/2,3,4[SS207]
授課教師 Teacher:史美強
修課班級 Class:行政系2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 69 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 69 人。

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