course information of 103 - 1 | 1821 Programming Design(程式設計)

Taught In English1821 - 程式設計 Programming Design

教育目標 Course Target

介紹C語言語法及程式撰寫技巧,藉由程式範例來加深同學對C語言的觀念,使同學了解電腦軟體的基本操作原理及程式設計的能力。Introduces C language syntax and programming skills, deepens students' concepts of C language through program examples, and enables students to understand the basic operating principles of computer software and programming capabilities.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程為本系大學部一年級之必修課程,除了由老師授課之外,另有一門實習課,總計一週共有4堂課。本課程主要是以Microsoft Visual C++為程式編輯環境,教授學生基本的C語言,讓學生瞭解程式語言與計算機科學的概念、熟悉程式語言的語法和語意,修完此課程之後,可讓學生對整個程式設計有一個通盤的認識。 本課程為資管系的基礎課程,可和其他課程相銜接,如能熟讀本門課,對接下來的「進階程式設計」、「資料結構」、「Java程式設計」等課程,皆有很大的幫助。 學生們順利修完本課程後,除了可學習到一些程式的基本知識外,並透過隨堂作業和實際操作,提高學生撰寫程式的能力,更重要的是建立培養學生們的邏輯思考%
This course is a compulsory course for the first-year undergraduate students in this department. In addition to the lectures taught by teachers, there is also a practical course, with a total of 4 classes a week. This course mainly uses Microsoft Visual C++ as the programming editing environment to teach students the basic C language, allowing students to understand the concepts of programming language and computer science, and become familiar with the syntax and semantics of programming languages. After completing this course, students will be able to understand the entire There is a comprehensive understanding of programming. This course is the basic course of the Department of Asset Management and can be connected with other courses. If you are familiar with this course, you will be very useful for the following courses such as "Advanced Programming", "Data Structure", "Java Programming" and so on. Big help. After successfully completing this course, students will not only learn some basic knowledge of programming, but also improve their ability to write programs through class assignments and practical operations. More importantly, they will develop their logical thinking%

參考書目 Reference Books

Textbook: The teacher will announce it separately in class after the school starts.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
10 課程出席與課堂參與情況(不含助教實習課)
20 程式作業數次
midterm exam
25 Open Book(限攜帶指定的教科書一本)
final exam
25 Open Book(限攜帶指定的教科書一本)
Teaching assistant internship class
20 由助教依據同學出席與課堂表現另行訂定評分規則

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

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必選-0874 Introduction to MATLAB Programming / Matlab程式設計 (化材系1B,授課教師:王 曄,二/1,2,8,9[ST020])
選修-0975 Network Programming and Database / 網路與資料庫程式設計 (工工系2-4,授課教師:鄭辰仰,六/2[E108] 三/8,9,10[ST023])
必修-1134 C Program Design / C程式設計 (資工系資電組1,授課教師:蔡清欉,二/6,7[C214] 三/6,7[ST023])
必修-1139 C Program Design / C程式設計 (數創組1,軟工組1,授課教師:朱延平,二/8,9[L208] 三/8,9[ST020])
必選-1152 Object-Oriented Programming / 物件導向程式設計 (資工系軟工組2,授課教師:石志雄,二/6[ST020] 一/3,4[ST023])
必修-1225 Programming Design / 程式設計 (電機系1,授課教師:鐘玉芳,二/2,3,四/7[ST023])
選修-1830 Programming for Mobile-Commerce / 行動商務程式設計 (資管系2,授課教師:張育仁,一/6,7,8[M025])
必修-8104 C Program Design / C程式設計 (資工系1,授課教師:柯佳吟,五/10,11,12[ST019])
必修-8105 Java Programming / Java程式設計 (資工系2,授課教師:朱延平,一/10,11,12[ST021])
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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,Wednesday/7,8[M024]
授課教師 Teacher:余心淳
修課班級 Class:資管系1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 67 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 67 人。

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