course information of 103 - 1 | 8121 Web Programming(Web程式設計)

Taught In English8121 - Web程式設計 Web Programming

教育目標 Course Target

一、瞭解 WWW 與動態網頁運作原理。 二、瞭解網頁開發環境及工具的使用。 三、瞭解並熟悉網頁前端技術 HTML + CSS + JavaScript 四、瞭解並熟悉網頁後端技術 PHP + MySQL 五、瞭解並熟悉網頁前後端技術整合運用 Ajax1. Understand the operating principles of WWW and dynamic web pages. 2. Understand the use of web development environments and tools. 3. Understand and be familiar with web front-end technology HTML + CSS + JavaScript 4. Understand and be familiar with web back-end technology PHP + MySQL 5. Understand and be familiar with the integration of front-end and back-end technologies on web pages and the application of Ajax

課程概述 Course Description

This course not only trains students to write web programs (dynamic) through HTML5, CSS, js, Vue.js, php, and Golang (the above students must develop their abilities through self-study).

參考書目 Reference Books

1. PHP、MySQL、JavaScript與CSS學習手冊(第二版),作者: Robin Nixon,譯者:賴屹民,歐萊禮,ISBN:9862766573
2. 挑戰PHP﹧MySQL程式設計與超強專題特訓班(第三版)(適用PHP5∼PHP6),鄧文淵/總監製, 黃信溢, 文淵閣工作室/編著,碁峰,ISBN:986347097X
3. PHP 6 & MySQL 6 網頁資料庫程式設計演繹(附光碟),作者:德瑞工作室,松崗,ISBN:9572238221
4. PHP 與 MySQL 網頁資料庫程式設計-使用 WebMatrix 快速開發,作者:陳會安,松崗,ISBN:9572243136
5. 新觀念 PHP + MySQL + AJAX 網頁設計範例教本, 4/e,陳會安,旗標,ISBN:9863121827
Choose one of the following reference books as a textbook and announce it in the second class:
1. PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and CSS Learning Manual (Second Edition), author: Robin Nixon, translator: Lai Yimin, O'Leary, ISBN: 9862766573
2. Challenge PHP﹧MySQL Programming and Super Topic Special Training Course (Third Edition) (Applicable to PHP5∼PHP6), Deng Wenyuan/Director, Huang Xinyi, Wenyuange Studio/Editor, Qi Feng, ISBN: 986347097X
3. PHP 6 & MySQL 6 web database programming interpretation (with CD), author: De Rui Studio, Songgang, ISBN: 9572238221
4. PHP and MySQL web database programming - rapid development using WebMatrix, author: Chen Hui'an, Songgang, ISBN: 9572243136
5. New Concepts PHP + MySQL + AJAX Web Design Example Textbook, 4/e, Chen Huian, Banner, ISBN: 9863121827

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class performance
10 出席率、上課習作認真程度以及課堂問答
20 一般習作練習
Thematic production
25 分組專題製作
Special topic publication
10 上台報告系統,並撰寫系統報告
midterm exam
15 紙筆測驗
final exam
20 紙筆測驗

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/11,12,13[ST020]
授課教師 Teacher:張啟中
修課班級 Class:資工系3
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 73 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 73 人。

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