course information of 103 - 1 | 1498 Technology and Innovation Management(創新管理)

Taught In English1498 - 創新管理 Technology and Innovation Management

教育目標 Course Target

1. 介紹各種靜態及動態的創新理論模型,以分析企業獲利的關鍵因素及其因素間的關聯性。 2. 透過這些相關的創新理論及實證發現,輔以個案討論與報告撰寫,以提升國貿所學生的創新管理能力。1. Introduce various static and dynamic innovation theoretical models to analyze the key factors of corporate profitability and the correlation between factors. 2. Through these relevant innovation theories and empirical findings, supplemented by case discussions and report writing, we will enhance the innovation management capabilities of ITC students.

課程概述 Course Description

處在瞬息萬變知識經濟時代下,技術創新已經成為企業持續性競爭優勢與成長的原動力,然而,如何成功且不斷地推動技術創新至市場中卻成為企業經理人的一大挑戰。因此本課程強調如何讓企業經理人有效率管理創新的流程與實務的介紹,並從創新管理當代觀點與企業管理實務的角度,介紹創新管理相關理論與實際個案討論,讓同學能熟悉策略創新管理時下議題,如創新網絡、idea brokering、開放式創新等,並藉由熟悉創新流程、架構設計與創新運用之有效策略做法,建立同學具備規劃、執行與評估企業的創新策略至實際企業環境之能力。
In the era of rapidly changing knowledge economy, technological innovation has become the driving force for sustainable competitive advantage and growth of enterprises. However, how to successfully and continuously promote technological innovation to the market has become a major challenge for enterprise managers. Therefore, this course emphasizes the introduction of how business managers can effectively manage innovation processes and practices. It also introduces relevant theories and practical case discussions on innovation management from the perspective of contemporary innovation management and business management practices, so that students can become familiar with strategic innovation management. Current issues, such as innovation networks, ideas brokering, open innovation, etc., and by being familiar with the effective strategies and practices of innovation process, architecture design and innovation application, students will be able to plan, execute and evaluate corporate innovation strategies to the actual corporate environment.

參考書目 Reference Books

Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, 4th edition, Melissa A. Schilling, 華泰文化(2013)

1. Innovation Management, 2nd edition, Afuah, 華泰文化
2. Global Innovation Management , 2008, 滄海書局
2. 如何作好創新管理,第一版,Richard Luecke 著/楊幼蘭 譯,天下文化
3. 創新者的解答,2003年,Clayton M. Christensen & Michael E. Raynor 著/李芳齡&李田樹 譯,天下雜誌
4. 創新的兩難,2004,Clayton M. Christensen 著/吳凱琳 譯,商周出版
5. 科技創新管理-由變動中贏得競爭優勢,第二版,Frederick Betz 著/袁建中、王飛龍、陳坤成 譯,華泰文化

1. 商業週刊
2. EMBA世界經理文摘,每期國外期刊雜誌文章之翻譯,各期雜誌內容可查閱EMBA網站:www.emba.com.tw
3. Harvord Business Review
Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, 4th edition, Melissa A. Schilling, Huatai Culture (2013)

Reference books:
1. Innovation Management, 2nd edition, Afuah, Huatai Culture
2. Global Innovation Management, 2008, Canghai Bookstore
2. How to do innovation management well, first edition, written by Richard Luecke/translated by Yang Youlan, Tianxia Culture
3. The Innovator’s Answer, 2003, written by Clayton M. Christensen & Michael E. Raynor/translated by Li Fanling & Li Tianshu, Tianxia Magazine
4. The Dilemma of Innovation, 2004, written by Clayton M. Christensen/translated by Wu Kailin, Shangzhou Publishing House
5. Technological Innovation Management - Winning Competitive Advantage from Change, Second Edition, written by Frederick Betz/translated by Yuan Jianzhong, Wang Feilong, and Chen Kuncheng, Huatai Culture

Papers, journals, newspapers and magazines:
1. Business Week
2. EMBA World Manager Digest, translation of articles from foreign journals and magazines in each issue. The contents of each issue can be found on the EMBA website: www.emba.com.tw
3.Harvord Business Review

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
usual results

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7,8[M612]
授課教師 Teacher:李明煌
修課班級 Class:國貿系3-4
選課備註 Memo:未選上,第一、二節出席,優先選課。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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