course information of 103 - 1 | 1490 Management Practice(經營管理實務)

Taught In English1490 - 經營管理實務 Management Practice

教育目標 Course Target

~具有解決〝新〞問題能力及競爭優勢的商管人才基礎訓練~ 由於長期經營管理的業界經驗,深知未來管理趨勢及業界人才需求,所以在課程內容的選擇、教學方式及冀望學生的學習成果均迥異於傳統。每週課程猶如演講,內容精實緊湊、新穎,並將邏輯推理及人格特質的培養,除了以個案訓練外,更以有系統的全面貫穿在所有互動教學的課程上,讓學生從學習的過程中獲得感覺、感想及啟示,真正瞭解基礎理論及應用技巧,並從中體驗人格特質在成功的管理事務中所具有的關鍵地位,從而深化學生提出及解決新問題的能力,成為具有競爭優勢的商管人才。~Basic training for business management talents with the ability to solve "new" problems and competitive advantages~ Due to long-term industry experience in business management and a deep understanding of future management trends and industry talent needs, the selection of course content, teaching methods and expected student learning outcomes are all very different from traditional ones. The weekly courses are like lectures, with compact and novel content. In addition to case training, the development of logical reasoning and personality traits is systematically and comprehensively integrated into all interactive teaching courses, allowing students to learn from the learning process. Gain feelings, impressions and inspirations, truly understand basic theories and application skills, and experience the key role of personality traits in successful management affairs, thereby deepening students' ability to raise and solve new problems, and becoming business leaders with competitive advantages. Manage talent.

課程概述 Course Description

以常識化、簡單化、邏輯化的教學方式,闡述理論與實務運用,不只訓練專業知識,更重要的訓練邏輯推理、人格特質及應用技巧,簡而易懂,終生受用。主要內容包括: 1.賽局理論與實務運用─如何創造雙贏之美麗人生境界。 2.談判與危機處理訓練─理論與實作訓練。 3.創新策略訓練─如何規劃策略與創新策略理論與實例研討。 4.如何成為具有差異化特質的商管人才 (1)轉型策略及實例研討 (2)核心競爭力、競爭優勢策略及實例研討。 5.邏輯推理及表達能力訓練─打破傳統思維,有系統架構學生循序的思考、分析。邏輯推理、判斷及表達等新的能力,終生受用。 6.經濟、產業現況及趨勢分析─即時分析並與商管理論結合,以落實理論的應用。
The theory and practical application are explained in a common sense, simple and logical teaching method. It not only trains professional knowledge, but also more importantly trains logical reasoning, personality traits and application skills. It is simple and easy to understand and can be used for life. The main contents include: 1. Game theory and practical application─How to create a win-win and beautiful realm of life. 2. Negotiation and crisis management training - theoretical and practical training. 3. Innovation strategy training─Study on how to plan strategies and innovation strategy theories and examples. 4. How to become a business management talent with differentiated characteristics (1) Transformation strategies and case studies (2) Core competitiveness, competitive advantage strategies and case studies. 5. Logical reasoning and expression ability training-break traditional thinking and systematically structure students' sequential thinking and analysis. New abilities such as logical reasoning, judgment and expression will be useful throughout your life. 6. Economic and industrial status and trend analysis - real-time analysis and integration with business management theory to implement the application of theory.

參考書目 Reference Books


1. Competitive Strategy-Porter
2. Competitive advantage-Porter
3. Master of the game - Wu Hemao
4. Research on the Transformation Strategies of Traditional Group Enterprises in Taiwan - Lin Wenzheng

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Notes and reports
30 期中考不考試
Group group reports and daily performance
final exam

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/5,6,7[M107]
授課教師 Teacher:林溫正
修課班級 Class:國貿系2-4
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 35 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 35 人。

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