course information of 103 - 1 | 1356 Business Ethics(企業倫理)

Taught In English1356 - 企業倫理 Business Ethics

教育目標 Course Target

� 使學生明白企業倫理在經營管理的重要性 � 培養學生對企業倫理的敏感度 � 教育學生如何產生合乎社會正義的企業倫理思考決策模式 � 透過個案教學,使學生能產生能夠應用在實際情境上的企業倫理準則� To enable students to understand the importance of corporate ethics in business management � Cultivate students’ sensitivity to corporate ethics � Educate students on how to generate corporate ethical thinking and decision-making models that are consistent with social justice � Through case teaching, students can generate corporate ethics principles that can be applied in actual situations.

課程概述 Course Description

教學目的: 1.使學生明白企業倫理在經營管理的重要性。 2.培養學生對企業倫理的敏感度。 3.教育學生如何產生合乎社會正義的企業倫理思考決策模式。 4. 透過個案教學,使學生能產生能夠應用在實際情境上的企業倫理準則。 主要內容: 1.一般倫理理論簡介 2.企業倫理在管理教育中的起源、定義 3.個人工作倫理與專業倫理 4.企業倫理與企業的社會責任 5. 資本主義與企業倫理 6. 企業倫理守則與政府法規 7. 專業經理人的倫理掙扎 8. 舉發公司不法 9. 企業倫理決策模式 10. 企業倫理攸關課題
Teaching purposes: 1. Make students understand the importance of corporate ethics in business management. 2. Cultivate students' sensitivity to corporate ethics. 3. Educate students how to generate corporate ethical thinking and decision-making models that are consistent with social justice. 4. Through case teaching, students can generate corporate ethics principles that can be applied in actual situations. Main content: 1. Introduction to general ethical theory 2. The origin and definition of corporate ethics in management education 3. Personal work ethics and professional ethics 4. Corporate ethics and corporate social responsibility 5. Capitalism and Corporate Ethics 6. Corporate ethics codes and government regulations 7. Ethical struggles of professional managers 8. Report illegal activities in the company 9. Corporate ethical decision-making model 10. Issues relevant to corporate ethics

參考書目 Reference Books

� 《企業倫理的實踐》,吳成豐 著(前程出版社)
� 《企業倫理》,李春旺 著(正中書局)
� 《我們的小幸福、小經濟:9個社會企業的熱血、追夢實戰故事》,胡哲生、梁瓊丹、卓秀足、吳宗昇 著(新自然主義)
� "The Practice of Corporate Ethics", written by Wu Chengfeng (Qiancheng Publishing House)
� "Business Ethics", written by Li Chunwang (Zhengzhong Book Company)
� "Our Little Happiness, Little Economy: 9 Social Enterprises' Passionate and Practical Stories of Pursuing Dreams", written by Hu Zhisheng, Liang Qiongdan, Zhuo Xiuzu, and Wu Zongsheng (New Naturalism)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Special report
midterm exam
Class discussion and participation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4[M120]
授課教師 Teacher:周瑛琪/吳祉芸
修課班級 Class:企管系3-4
選課備註 Memo:學群選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 68 人。

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