course information of 103 - 1 | 0411 Introduction to Philosophy(哲學概論)

Taught In English0411 - 哲學概論 Introduction to Philosophy

教育目標 Course Target

有系統地將哲學及哲學之主要學門以2學期時程介紹給同學,俾利具備入門之必要知識與概念。 一、學習方式: 上學期以哲學史縱觀哲學及各學門的發展,並輔以原典,探討知識論。 下學期則探討倫理學、形上學與美學等各學門的重要課題。Philosophy and the main subjects of philosophy are systematically introduced to students in a two-semester period, so that they can acquire the necessary knowledge and concepts to get started. 1. Learning methods: Last semester, we used the history of philosophy to look at the development of philosophy and various disciplines, supplemented by original classics, to explore the theory of knowledge. The next semester will explore important topics in various disciplines such as ethics, metaphysics, and aesthetics.

課程概述 Course Description

This course is divided into two semesters. The teaching content in the first semester focuses on theory of knowledge, while the second semester focuses on the teaching of aesthetics and ethics. This course is offered to prepare for the study of specialized courses (such as ethics, theory of knowledge, etc.) in the sophomore year. The course is organized around the following purposes and introduces commonly used philosophical concepts, epistemology, aesthetics, and ethics. Several basic concepts, the development of concepts to establish students' view of philosophy and history, and learning how to raise philosophical questions with philosophical thinking and vocabulary. The training of the above abilities will be helpful for their second-year specialized courses.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Rober Paul Wolff, About Philosophy, 10th ed., New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2009.
2. Rober Paul Wolff著、郭實渝等譯,《哲學概論》,臺北:學富文化,2006年。
3. 唐君毅,《哲學概論》(上)(下),臺北:學生書局,1996年。
4. 柏拉圖《國家篇,》, 臺北:左岸出版社
5. 黑格爾(Georg W.F. Hegel)著,賀麟,王太慶譯,《哲學史講演錄》,北京:商務印書館,1997年。
6. 笛卡兒 (Descartes) ,《方法導論》,錢志純﹧黎惟東譯,志文出版社
7. 海德格《存有與時間》, 陳映嘉、王慶節譯
1. Rober Paul Wolff, About Philosophy, 10th ed., New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2009.
2. Robert Paul Wolff, translated by Guo Shiyu and others, "Introduction to Philosophy", Taipei: Xuefu Culture, 2006.
3. Tang Junyi, "Introduction to Philosophy" (Part 1) (Part 2), Taipei: Student Bookstore, 1996.
4. Plato, "State," Taipei: Left Bank Publishing House
5. Georg W.F. Hegel, translated by He Lin and Wang Taiqing, Lectures on the History of Philosophy, Beijing: The Commercial Press, 1997.
6. Descartes, "Introduction to Method", translated by Qian Zhichun and Li Weidong, Zhiwen Publishing House
7. Heidegger's "Being and Time", translated by Chen Yingjia and Wang Qingjie

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
10 六次無故缺席,依學校規定扣考
usual results
20 課堂筆記報告、作業、課堂問答
midterm exam

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-0412 Introduction to Philosophy / 哲學概論 (哲學系1,授課教師:嚴瑋泓,一/9,10[H309] 三/3,4[H318])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/8,9,Wednesday/3,4[H317]
授課教師 Teacher:林薰香
修課班級 Class:哲學系1
選課備註 Memo:單號班,修錯班者該學分不予採計
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 40 人。

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