course information of 103 - 1 | 0043 The Journey to the West(西遊記)

Taught In English0043 - 西遊記 The Journey to the West

教育目標 Course Target

一、 古典章回小說經典閱讀 二、 理解《西遊記》的主題思想與三教的關係 三、 探討唐僧師徒西天取經的象徵與寓意 四、 嘗試《西遊記》文本再創作的可能. 1. Reading classic chapter novels 2. Understand the relationship between the theme of "Journey to the West" and the three religions 3. Discuss the symbolism and implication of Tang Monk and his disciples’ journey to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures 4. Try the possibility of re-creating the text of "Journey to the West".

參考書目 Reference Books


Text: "Journey to the West", Taipei: Sanmin Book Company.
Published by Liren Book Company in 1996, it is a reference version
Sam Mengwu, "Journey to the West and Ancient Chinese Politics", Taipei: Sanmin Book Company, 1969.
Zheng Ming'e, "Journey to the West Exploring the Origin", Taipei: Liren Book Company, 2003.
Compiled by Zhu Yixuan, "Compilation of Materials on Journey to the West", Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou Ancient Books Publishing House, 1983.
Zhang Jing'er, "A Study of Characters in Journey to the West", Taipei: Taiwan Student Book Company, 1984.
Hu Shi, "Critical Research on Journey to the West", Volume 4 of the Second Collection of Hu Shi's Documents, Taipei: Yuanliu Publishing Company, 1986.
Xia Zhiqing, "Introduction to Chinese Classical Novels·Research on Journey to the West", Hefei: Anhui Literature and Art Publishing House, 1988.
Written by Yu Guofan, translated by Li Shixue, "Collection of Yu Guofan's Journey to the West", Taipei: Lianjing Publishing Company, 1989.
Selected and edited by Lu Qin, "Interpretations of "Journey to the West" by Famous Experts", Jinan: Shandong People's Publishing House, 1998.
Lu Suduan, "Research on the Narrative of "Journey to the West"", PhD thesis, Institute of Chinese Studies, National Taiwan University, 2002.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Diligent and lazy
10 出席狀況、作業繳交是否按時、
class report
15 文本內容、簡報是否完整切合、進行是否流暢、表達是否清楚明白。
midterm exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8[H216]
授課教師 Teacher:許建崑
修課班級 Class:中文系2
選課備註 Memo:中文二優先
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 54 人。

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