course information of 103 - 1 | 5024 Seminar on Journey to the West(西遊記專題)

Taught In English5024 - 西遊記專題 Seminar on Journey to the West

教育目標 Course Target

本課程旨在通過《西遊記》一書之多方檢討,一是期使學者能夠清楚明白,中國古典小說名著之某些成書特性及存在其中不足之原因;一是並透過新發現之文獻資料(元代石塔西遊故事浮雕),重新解說西遊源流;一是就文本內容與情節分析,使學者了解該書之語言文字上的若干特性,及創作者在人物形象塑造之得失,並得以藉此所建立之視野去閱讀其他小說名著。This course aims to review the book "Journey to the West" from various aspects. Firstly, it enables scholars to clearly understand some of the writing characteristics of Chinese classical novels and the reasons for their shortcomings; secondly, it also uses newly discovered documents and materials. (The Yuan Dynasty Stone Pagoda Journey to the West story relief), re-explains the origin of Journey to the West; first, analyzes the text content and plot, allowing scholars to understand some of the characteristics of the book's language and characters, as well as the creator's gains and losses in character creation, and can use this to The horizons established can be used to read other novels and masterpieces.

課程概述 Course Description

This course aims to enable scholars to clearly understand the characteristics of the Chinese classical novel "Journey to the West" and the reasons for its shortcomings through multiple reviews of the book "Journey to the West". Secondly, through new documents (Yuan Dynasty Stone Pagoda) The explanation of Journey to the West (Story of Journey to the West) enables scholars to know the existing research results, expand their academic horizons, understand the current status of this subject in international sinology research, and be able to fully integrate with it.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Zhou Zhongming and four others, "Journey to the West", Liren Book Company.
2. Liu Yongqiang, "Journey to the West", Wenjin Publishing House.
3. Other designated relevant documents and research papers.
〔01〕Xie Mingxun, December 2013, "Illustration of the "Journey to the West" Story on the Reliefs of Gyeongcheonsa Stone Pagoda in South Korea", "Chinese Chinese Literature" Vol. 56, pp. 163∼214, Seoul, (South Korea) Chinese Chinese Society.
〔02〕Xie Mingxun, November 2013, "Updated and supplemented relief illustrations of the "Journey to the West" story of the ten-story stone pagoda of Gyeongcheonsa Temple", "National Culture Research" No. 61, pp. 23~39, Seoul, Korea University (South Korea) Institute of Ethnic Culture.
〔03〕Xie Mingxun, March 2013, "On the Importance of the Reliefs of the "Journey to the West" Story of Yuan Dynasty Stone Pagodas Seen in Korea", "International Sinology Research Trends: Collected Essays on the Birthday of Professor Zheng Qingmao", pp. 75~94, National Donghua University University, Huayi Academic Publishing, Hualien County, Chief Editor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Donghua University.
〔04〕Xie Mingxun, "Thinking about the metaphor of sacred numbers: The secret of "a hidden number" in "Journey to the West"", September 2010, "Chinese Novels Series (Volume 32)", pp. 191∼214, Seoul, (Korea) Chinese Novel Society.
[05] Xie Mingxun, December 2008, "Interpretation of the Journey to the West: An Investigation Centered on Sun Wukong", Donghua Sinology, Issue 8, pp. 37-62, Hualien County, Department of Chinese, National Donghua University.
〔06〕Xie Mingxun, March 2006, "Journey to the West and Ming Shizong: Focusing on the Story of the "Bhikkhu Kingdom"", "Diffusion and Integration: Proceedings of the Second International Academic Symposium on Chinese Novels and Operas", pp. 681∼706, Taipei City, Liren Bookstore.
[07] Xie Mingxun, July 2000, "On the relationship between the "three life-saving hairs" in the 100-part "Journey to the West" and the AT461 story", "Proceedings of the Cross-Strait Folk Literature Academic Symposium", pp. 25~41, Department of Chinese, Yuanzhi University, Zhongli City.
〔08〕Xie Mingxun, July 2000, "Narrative Contradictions in the 100-chapter "Journey to the West" - Whose Sleeper Did Sun Wukong Win?" "Donghua Humanities Journal" Issue 2, pp. 69-82, Hualien County, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Dong Hwa University.
〔09〕Xie Mingxun, July 1999, "A Study of Tang Monk's "Ten Life Practices" in One Hundred Chapters of "Journey to the West"", "Journal of Donghua Humanities" No. 1, pp. 115~130, Hualien County, National Donghua University Humanities School of Social Sciences.
[10] Xie Mingxun, July 1997, "Narrative Contradictions in the 100-chapter "Journey to the West" (Part 2) – How many "banana fans" are there? 〉, "Jingyi Humanities Journal" No. 9, pp. 75∼82, Taichung County, School of Liberal Arts, Jingyi University.
[11] Xie Mingxun, July 1997, "On the spread of "Journey to the West" based on the term "Longhua Hui" - A discussion on the Japanese statement by Akira Isobe", "Mainland Magazine", Volume 95, Issue 1, page 9∼12, Taipei City, Mainland Magazine.
[12] Xie Mingxun, July 1996, "Some Speculations on "Flying Dragon"", "Mainland Magazine", Volume 93, Issue 1, pp. 26-28, Taipei City, Mainland Magazine.
[13] Xie Mingxun, July 1996, "Narrative Contradictions in One Hundred Chapters of "Journey to the West" Part 1 - Two "Books for Obtaining Scriptures"", "Jingyi Humanities Journal" Issue 8, pp. 75-82, Taichung County, College of Liberal Arts, Jingyi University.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Final written report
Oral report
Attitude to Attendance and Learning

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[H535]
授課教師 Teacher:謝明勳
修課班級 Class:中文碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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