course information of 103 - 1 | 0042 (語言學概論)

Taught In English0042 - 語言學概論

教育目標 Course Target

藉由理論與實踐帶領同學探索語言,從而體察到語言與人心運作之關連,了達人同此心,心同此理。Through theory and practice, students are led to explore language, thereby experiencing the connection between language and the operation of the human heart, and realizing that people share the same mind and the same principle.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程屬導論性質,引領學生探討:(一)語言系統的主要成份(語音、語法、語義、語用等)及其組合與運作規律;(二)與人生有關的語言問題(語言演變、語言運用、語言的社會功能、語言與心理等)。預期有助於了解語言學進階專業科目以及語文教學的理論與實踐,甚至有助於社會人生的了解並未將來多元化就業打下基礎。 授課議題包括: (一)語言的結構與規律:聽音辨聲的生理與心理依據、語音─語感─語音組合的規律;詞的構造與組合形式與規律、新詞與外來語;句子的組合形式與規律;詞匯的組成規律及其所表達的含義。 (二)語言與人生的議題:語言起源的迷思與人類認知的演進;標準語與方言、外來語的形成及其使用狀況探討、社會語言學調查方法的引介與實踐;語言運用的奧秘有跡可循嗎?「言外之意」的妙用與理解誤差的困擾、人對人的語言遊戲及其功能(話語、廣告、文宣)。 配合課程進度,本課程設計了語言調查、分組討論、口頭報告、有關語言習得的影片觀賞研究等一系列教學實踐程序,使修習者通過理論與實踐去探討『語言』,從而體察到『語言』與人生的關系以及『語言運用』的奧秘。另外還有師生互動教學平台供課後研討。
This course is an introductory course, leading students to explore: (1) the main components of the language system (phonology, grammar, semantics, pragmatics, etc.) and their combination and operation rules; (2) language issues related to life (language evolution, language Use, social functions of language, language and psychology, etc.). It is expected to help to understand the advanced professional subjects of linguistics and the theory and practice of Chinese teaching, and even help to understand social life and lay the foundation for diversified employment in the future. Teaching topics include: (1) The structure and rules of language: the physiological and psychological basis for listening and distinguishing sounds, the rules of phonetic-speech-speech combination; the structure and combination forms and rules of words, new words and loanwords; the combination forms and rules of sentences; vocabulary composition rules and the meaning they express. (2) Issues on language and life: the myth of the origin of language and the evolution of human cognition; discussion of the formation and use of standard languages, dialects, and loanwords, the introduction and practice of sociolinguistic investigation methods; the mystery of language use. Can it be followed? The wonderful use of "implied meaning" and the troubles of understanding errors, language games and their functions (discourse, advertising, literature) between people. In line with the progress of the course, this course has designed a series of teaching practice procedures such as language surveys, group discussions, oral reports, and video viewing research on language acquisition, so that practitioners can explore "language" through theory and practice, and thereby experience "language" The relationship with life and the mystery of "language use". There is also an interactive teaching platform for teachers and students for after-class discussions.

參考書目 Reference Books

語言學概論(第三版) 謝國平 三民書局 2011/05/01
Introduction to Linguistics (Third Edition) Xie Guoping Sanmin Bookstore 2011/05/01

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class Discussion Report
group report
midterm exam

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7[H309]
授課教師 Teacher:周玟慧
修課班級 Class:中文系2
選課備註 Memo:中文二優先
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 63 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 63 人。

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