本課程以倫理學一般概念為基礎,聚焦於司法職業倫理的範疇,以現行相關成文規定為標的,目標使修課學生對法律倫理的基本概念有所認知,並能掌握相關規範的內容,以期未來面對司法實務工作的操行能建立正確的態度。This course is based on the general concept of ethics, focusing on the scope of judicial profession ethics, and with the current relevant documentary regulations as the goal, the purpose of allowing students to understand the basic concepts of legal ethics and be able to master the content of relevant regulations, in order to achieve the goal of In the future, the correct attitude can be established on the conduct of judicial practice.
1. Cultivate right and wrong, sense of righteousness, and correct sexual concepts
2. Understand behavioral criteria within and outside the job
3. Legal persons have the ability to know and act in protecting human rights and realizing fairness and justice.
4. Maintain respect and honor of professionalism
姚孟昌、林火旺,法律倫理學/出版社: 新學林
Jiang Shiming, Legal Ethics,
Yao Mengchang, Lin Huowang, Legal Ethics Science/Publishing House: New School Lin
Written by Lu Binghan/Legal Ethics/2023/06/National Air University
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
33 | 依授課教師上課所述(出席狀況、課堂報告) |
期中報告期中報告 Midterm Report |
33 | 法官、檢察官或律師懲戒案例擇一分析及讀後心得 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
34 | 申論、簡答、實例或題選擇(依上課狀況決定) |