民法債編總論乃民事財產法體系之重要環節。細究其規範內容所涉之事項,實與吾人日常生活有相當密切之關聯。惟作為債法通則,不僅條文之數量頗豐,且觸及了諸多抽象的基礎觀念,故有必要就法條之設計目的、要件內涵等,仔細的進行闡述,始得真正理解條文及其所串聯起的各制度間,究具有何種功能與意義。而本學期課程作為上學期課程之延續,在修習學生對債法已有一定認識之基石上,將持續引介其他於民法債編總論所規範之事項。另一方面,有鑑於學界與實務界長期以來,非僅針對傳統之重要法律議題進行討論,同時更配合社會變遷而致力於概念的創新與突破,因此本課程除介紹學說理論外,仍將補充大量實務見解來進行對照,力求結合多元面向,以培養修習學生能獨立思考、並進一步批判分析法律問題之能力。The summary of civil law enforcement is an important part of the civil property legal system. Detailedly pursuing the matters involved in the scope of the scope is actually closely related to our daily lives. However, as a general rule of law, not only does the quantity of the article but also touches on the basic concepts of abstraction. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully describe the design purpose, the connotation of the law, and then to truly understand the article and its connections. What functions and meanings do the various systems have? As the extension of the course of the previous course, this course will continue to introduce other matters under the general provisions of the Civil Law Debt Encouragement on the basis of the foundation for students who have a certain understanding of debt law. On the other hand, for the long term in the academic and practical circles, not only discusses important legal issues of tradition, but also cooperates with social changes and is committed to innovation and breakthroughs in concepts. Therefore, this course will be supplemented in addition to introducing academic and theoretical discussions. A large number of practical explanations are compared, striving to combine diverse aspects to cultivate students' ability to think independently and further critically analyze legal problems.
研究民法上所規定的債之通則,就債的發生、標的、效力、移轉、消滅與多數債務人及多數債權人等之理論與實踐。債法 具有交易法的色彩,於今日人與人接觸頻繁,發生財產上的權利義務關係甚多之情形下,最為重要。
Study the rules of debt stipulated in civil law, and conduct the theory and practice of debt occurrence, labeling, effectiveness, transfer, consumption and the theory and implementation of debts. Debt law has the color of trading law. It is most important when people are in contact with each other today and there are many property rights and relations.
邱聰智 著;姚志明 修訂,新訂民法債編通則 (上)、(下)(新訂二版),承法數位文化,2014年3月。
by Qiu Tengzhi; by Yao Zhiming, newly-booked Civil Law Debt Encouragement (Part 1) and (Part 2) (Newly booked second edition), inheriting the law digital culture, March 2014.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
80 | 筆試 (以案例式實例題為主)。 |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
20 | 以學生出席率、課堂參與度......等作為評分基礎。 |