從戰後的國際地緣政治、經濟、技術、文化等多元視角出發,總結日治時期台灣美術發展的階段性成果,勾勒台灣戰後美術發展的歷史軌跡,思考台灣當代藝術發展的方向與未來。Developed from diverse perspectives such as international geopolitics, economy, technology, and culture after the war, we summarized the stage achievements of Taiwan's aesthetic development during the Japanese governance period, outlined the historical plot of the development of aesthetics after the Taiwan war, and thought about the direction and future of the development of contemporary art in Taiwan.
1. 蕭瓊瑞著:《戰後台灣美術史》,臺北:藝術家,2013。
1. Written by Zhang Rui: "History of Art in Taiwan after the War", Taipei: Artist, 2013.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂討論課堂討論 Class discussion |
40 | |
期中筆記期中筆記 Midterm notes |
30 | |
期末筆記期末筆記 Final note |
30 |