主要目的是實現學生能夠學以致用。This course is intended to enable students to understand the rules and theoretical knowledge and skills of Lanhua cultivation techniques, industry current situations and business management. Course content includes:
Lan flower cultivation techniques such as organizational cultivation, breeding, stomatology and stalk suppression, and transportation techniques
Lan flower product rights and industry global layout
Artificially cultivated slippers and CITES export license
Lanhua Business Management
The main purpose is to realize that students can apply what they can learn.
#臺灣國蘭產業及外銷作業調查。洪惠娟、郭佩琪、魏芳明。2010。臺中區農業改良場研究彙報 109:29-40。
#全球蘭花發展現況與未來展望兼論我國蝴蝶蘭與文心蘭發展策略。楊玉婷。2010。台灣經濟研究月刊 33:36-41。
#淺談台灣蝴蝶蘭王國-國力分析與領土擴張之道。李易航、許仁弘、陳添進、吳金洌。2011。植物種苗生技 25:62-67。
#擲物品種權面面觀-植物品種權與產業全球化布局-以蝴蝶蘭為例。傅子煜。2012。農政與農情 238:1-8。
#實用花卉園藝技術:蝴蝶蘭栽培與生產。作者: 市橋正一, 三位正洋。譯者: 邱永正, 許世炫, 沈榮壽, 徐善德, 蔡媦婷, 陳彥銘。2020。ISBN:9789577638762。
#蘭花商業模式之研究 -以 S個案 公司為例。林明星。2020。國立嘉義大學管理學院碩士在職專班碩士技術報告。
#以政府補助計畫之角度建構蘭花產業價值鏈。薛招治、王俊傑、陳佳玟。2022。應用經濟論叢 112:1-47。
#电影花国家庭国家庭. Lin Yuejin, Xu Benzhi. 1991. A collection of Taiwan Agricultural Business Seminar. pp.225-238.
#Survey on Taiwan's domestic industry and foreign sales operations. Hong Huijuan, Guo Peiqi, and Wei Fangming. 2010. Research report on agricultural improvement field in Taizhong District 109:29-40.
#Global Lanhua development present and future prospects and discuss the development strategies of our Butterfly Lan and Wenxin Lan. Yang Yuting. 2010. Taiwan Economic Research Monthly 33:36-41.
#Clean talk about Taiwan Butterfly Lan Kingdom - National strength analysis and the way to promote land. Li Yihang, Xu Renhong, Chen Tianjin, and Wu Jinhou. 2011. Plant seedlings biotechnology 25:62-67.
#Research on the international blue sea strategy of Taiwan Lanhua Marketing. Cai Xinyi. 2012. Academician's Department of Public Administration and Policy at National Taipei University.
#Full view of cat-type rights - global layout of plant products and industries - Take Butterfly Lan as an example. Fu Ziyu. 2012. Agriculture and Agricultural Conscience 238:1-8.
#Practical flower garden art technology: Butterfly lamb cultivation and production. Author: Shimaki Zhengyi, three Zhengyang. Translators: Qiu Yongzheng, Xu Shixuan, Shen Rongxian, Xu Shande, Cai Motto, Chen Yuqian. 2020. ISBN: 9789577638762.
#Research on the business model of Lanhua - Taking S case companies as an example. Lin Mingxing. 2020. Technical Report on the Technical College of the National Chiayi University School of Management.
#Construct Lan flower industry value chain from the perspective of government subsidy planning. Xue Zhaozhi, Wang Junjie, Chen Jiawen. 2022. Application Economic Forum 112:1-47.
#Taiwan Butterfly Lan industry analysis. Chen Boru. 2023. National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology International Enterprise Department Proficiency Paper.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中報告書面資料期中報告書面資料 Midterm report information |
35 | 選定蘭花種類;適合栽培管理方式與病蟲害防治;行銷方式、 年產量、年產值 |
期末口頭報告與完整書面資料期末口頭報告與完整書面資料 Final oral report and complete book information |
50 | 選定蘭花種類;適合栽培管理方式與病蟲害防治;行銷方式、 年產量、年產值、年淨收益(扣除生產成本) |
出席率出席率 Attendance rate |
15 | 出席率須達到學校標準 |