本課程旨在提供理論與實務的整合學習機會。課程將涵蓋音樂治療技巧的應用與實務操作,並透過臨床情境中的實作練習,增強學生的專業能力。學生將學習如何觀察、評估、制定目標,並在督導指導下安全且有效地執行音樂治療介入方法。This course is intended to provide an integrated learning opportunity for theory and practice. The course will cover the application and practical operation of music therapy techniques, and enhance students' professional abilities through practical practice in clinical situations. Students will learn how to observe, evaluate, and set goals, and safely and effectively implement music therapy intervention methods under supervision and guidance.
Polen, D., Shultis, C., & Wheeler, B. (2017). Clinical Training Guide for the Student Music Therapist (2nd Ed). Gilsum, NH: Barcelona Publishers.
POSTedited N, D., Shu Stereo, C., & Wheeler, B. (2017). Forth E student music therapist of clinical training GUI (2Your Ed). Gil sum, NH: Barcelona publishers.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
活動設計與帶領活動設計與帶領 Event design and belt |
40 | |
個案治療紀錄40%個案治療紀錄40% 40% of case treatment records |
40 | |
期末個案報告期末個案報告 Final Case Report |
10 | |
個人目標報告個人目標報告 Personal Target Report |
10 |