This course introduces basic quantitative methods and principles for public affairs practice participants and researchers to formulate decisions and social science research. The essence of social science methods is to try to understand and predict people in the way of establishing common grounds from the actual data; for ordinary researchers, the most interesting general policy is the relationship between changes, and for changes The investigation of relationships begins with the operation, quantification and analysis of changes. This course lays a solid foundation for students' independent research needs. The course includes: 1. A summary of quantitative research on public affairs, which provides basic knowledge about methodology, aiming to analyze the research nature, scope and research steps of public affairs subjects; 2. Methods related to data and data collection, including question papers Survey, sampling techniques and data processing; 3. The application of statistical methods is used in quantitative data analysis, prediction, and determination of causal relationships, as well as the investigation of analysis results.
The actual teaching progress is based on the courses issued during the first class.
1. Qiu Haozheng, 2019/4, "Quantitative Research and Statistical Analysis: Analysis of SPSS and R Data Analysis Examples (Sixth Edition)", Taipei City: Wunan Book Company. 【Required】
2. Luo Qingjun, 2016/3 "Social Science Research Methods: Opening the Skylight to Quantification", third edition, New Taipei City: Suning Culture. 【Required】
3. Selection of Chinese and foreign journals.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席情形※出席情形※ Attendance ※ |
5 | 個人 |
作業及讀書報告※※作業及讀書報告※※ Work and Reading Report※※ |
15 | 個人 |
問卷調查計畫※※※問卷調查計畫※※※ Question paper survey plan※※※ |
15 | 小組※※※※及個人 |
次級資料分析計畫※※※次級資料分析計畫※※※ Secondary data analysis plan※※※ |
15 | 個人 |