本課程主要有三大目標 ,一 在 於 介紹 Node red 拖拉式物聯網感測應用,
二在於介紹先進醫療物聯感測應用如輔助醫療 智慧診斷 ,三在於引入容器式設計理
念,與 Node red 圖形介面結合,引導同學開發可重複使用之 Node red docker 智慧醫
療應用,例如透析不適長短記憶模型訓練 及輔助醫療診斷預測等 。This course has three main goals, one is introducing the Node red drag-and-pull network sensing application.
The second is to introduce advanced medical and physical induction applications such as medical smart diagnosis, and the third is to introduce container-based design
Combining with Node red graphics interface, it guides students to develop reusable Node red docker smart doctor
For example, dialysis inappropriate long and short memory model training and assisted medical diagnosis prediction.
Physical Network implementation: Node-RED Vision of Physical Network (with CD)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
作業作業 Action |
15 | Node-red 開發照護物聯感測及基礎AI應用 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
15 | 筆試及上機 |
期中專題期中專題 Midterm topics |
20 | Node-red 開發照護物聯網應用開發 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
20 | 筆試及上機 |
期末專題期末專題 Final topics |
30 | Node-reed-docker AI應用元件開發 |