本課程透過科技創新與策略管理的角度切入經營策略,探討科技創新的產業動態及路徑、企業如何調適外在環境變化、認識資訊科技的本質改變、強化組織能力、洞察顧客價值、結合社會脈絡與競合關係、新產品與服務開發過程管理等議題,確立差異化優勢,並訂定部署策略。This course explores the business movements and pathways of technological innovation, how enterprises adapt to external environmental changes, understand the changes in information technology, strengthen organizational capabilities, understand customer value, integrate social connections and Compatibility issues, new product and service development process management, etc., establish differentiated advantages, and order deployment strategies.
This course explores the business movements and pathways of technological innovation, how enterprises adapt to external environmental changes, understand the changes in information technology, strengthen organizational capabilities, understand customer value, integrate social connections and Compatibility issues, new product and service development process management, etc., establish differentiated advantages, and order deployment strategies. The teaching method will combine classroom lectures, group discussions, case discussions, literature reading, lectures and other diverse learning methods to improve students' understanding of business strategies and industry sensitivity.
Schilling, M.A. Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2023. (李亭林譯 科技創新管理,,華泰文化,2024)
Schilling, M.A. Strategic Management of Technical Innovation, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2023. (Li Tinglinlu, Technology Innovation Management, Huatai Culture, 2024)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中案例報告 Midterm Case Study Presentation期中案例報告 Midterm Case Study Presentation Midterm Case Study Presentation |
30 | |
期末專題報告 Final Project Presentation期末專題報告 Final Project Presentation Final Project Presentation |
30 | |
論文簡報 Academic Paper Presentation論文簡報 Academic Paper Presentation Papers Academic Paper Presentation |
20 | |
課堂表現 Class Participation課堂表現 Class Participation Class Participation |
10 | |
出席 Attendance出席 Attendance Attendance |
10 |