このクラスでは利害の一致や不一致で起きる対立や葛藤について考えます。コンフリクトが起きる理由や背景を考察し、人と人とが交流するとはどのようなことなのか、対立や葛藤をどのように乗り越えていくのか(交渉するのか)について考えてみたいと思います。The interests of the same are inconsistent. Reasons for the rise and fall of the background, people and people communicate, and people and thoughts.
Communication is a dynamic, social interaction process in which the speaker transmits messages to others or groups through verbal or non-verbal behaviors. This course aims to use conversational analysis to explore the dialogue between people, and to study the characteristics and impacts of their language/non-verbal behaviors in social interactions, as well as their potential messages.
It is suitable for the lecture.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席出席 Attend |
10 | |
発表発表 Table |
30 | |
中間テスト中間テスト Middle テスト |
30 | |
期末テスト期末テスト Final period |
30 |