course information of 113 - 2 | 5147 Special Topics in Modern Warfare and Society(近現代戰爭與社會專題)

5147 - 近現代戰爭與社會專題 Special Topics in Modern Warfare and Society

教育目標 Course Target

...本課程是碩士班專題課。本課程閱讀材料同時選取20世紀歐洲和東亞之史例,俾使修課學生具備跨域比較的宏觀視野。每次課程的前半部分由教師針對主題之重要觀念進行系統性講授,後半部分由教師帶領修課學生針對閱讀文本和相關議題進行深度討論。一方面期望修課學生對於戰爭與社會研究的重要課題和核心概念,具備扎實的基礎知識基礎;另一方面,期許學生在相互討論、反覆思辯的過程中,培養獨立自主的批判思考能力。...This course is a special course for the judiciary class. The reading materials of this course also select historical examples from the 20th century Europe and East Asia, so that students can have a more cross-domain comparison of their perspectives. The first half of each course is taught systematically by the teacher on important topics, and the second half is taught by the teacher to lead the course students to discuss in-depth reading texts and related topics. On the one hand, we hope that students will have a solid foundation of basic knowledge on important topics and core concepts in war and social research; on the other hand, students are expected to cultivate independent and independent critical thinking ability in the process of mutual discussion and repeated thinking.

課程概述 Course Description

戰爭與人類社會向來具有密不可分的連動性,尤其進入20世紀,總體戰(total war)成為人類社會的主流戰爭型態後,戰爭不再只是軍事領袖和戰鬥人員間的角力,而是直接席捲非戰鬥人員的災難。兩次世界大戰的結果證明,戰爭不但關乎帝王將相的得失,更決定一般民眾的命運。因此,有別於傳統軍事史對軍事作戰和軍事事務的關注,近年來軍史學界開始著重戰爭對社會和人員的影響,此即所謂「新軍事史(New military history)」。本課程運用新軍事史的研究取徑,以專題的形式探討總體戰時代個體(戰鬥和非戰鬥人員)與社會在戰前、戰中、戰後等三個階段所遭遇的衝擊與變化。 本課程是碩士班專題課。本課程閱讀材料同時選取20世紀歐洲和東亞之史例,俾使修課學生具備跨域比較的宏觀視野。每次課程的前半部分由教師針對主題之重要觀念進行系統性講授,後半部分由教師帶領修課學生針對閱讀文本和相關議題進行深度討論。一方面期望修課學生對於戰爭與社會研究的重要課題和核心概念,具備扎實的基礎知識基礎;另一方面,期許學生在相互討論、反覆思辯的過程中,培養獨立自主的批判思考能力。
Wars are always inseparable from human society. Especially after entering the 20th century, total wars have become the mainstream war trend of human society, wars are no longer just a struggle between military leaders and fighters, but are directly involved. The disaster of non-fighters. The results of the two world wars prove that the war not only concerns the gains and losses of the emperor, but also determines the fate of the general public. Therefore, the focus of traditional military history on military operations and military affairs has been on the role of military history. In recent years, the military history community has begun to focus on the impact of war on society and personnel, which is what is called "New military history". This course uses the research on new military history to explore the impacts and changes encountered by individuals (war and non-warfare personnel) and society in the three stages of the general war era, including pre-war, during and after war. This course is a cadet class. The reading materials of this course also select historical examples from the 20th century Europe and East Asia, so that students can have a more cross-domain comparison of their perspectives. The first half of each course is taught systematically by the teacher on important topics, and the second half is taught by the teacher to lead the course students to discuss in-depth reading texts and related topics. On the one hand, we hope that students will have a solid foundation of basic knowledge on important topics and core concepts in war and social research; on the other hand, students are expected to cultivate independent and independent critical thinking ability in the process of mutual discussion and repeated thinking.

參考書目 Reference Books

9、Jay Winters主編,王本濤譯,《劍橋第一次世界大戰史》,杭州:浙江大學出版社,2023。
10、Michael White著,盧欣渝譯,《戰爭的果實》,北京:三聯書店,2009。
11、Alexander Downes著,李明杰譯,《戰爭中的平民》,北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2017。
12、Monica Black著,張馨方譯,《歐洲鬼地方》,臺北:衛城出版,2023。
13、Jeremy Black著,荀崢譯,《大屠殺:歷史與記憶》,北京:中央編譯出版社,2018。
14、Margaret MacMillan著,曹嬿恆譯,《戰爭:暴力、衝突與動盪如何形塑人類與社會》,臺北,商周出版,2021。
15、Azar Gat著,錢鋮譯,《文明世界的戰爭》,上海:華東師範大學出版社,2022。
16、Weinberg, Gerhard. A World at Arms: The Global History of World War II. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
17、Townshend, Charles. The Oxford History of Modern War. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
18、Chickering, Forster, Greiner ed. A World at Total War: Global Conflict and the Politics of Destruction, 1937–1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
19、Mawdsley, Evan ed. The Cambridge History of the Second World War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
20、Haymond, John. Soldiers: A Global History of the Fighting Man, 1800-1945. Lanham: Rowman&Littlefield, 2019.
21、Hughes, Philpott ed., Palgrave Advances in Modern Military History. New York: Palgrave MacMillian: 2006.

1. Editor of the Lord Liu Fang, "New Editing of the History of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War", Taipei: National History Museum, 2015.
2. Edited by Bu Ping and Wang Jianlang, "History of the Anti-Japanese War in China", Beijing: Social Sciences and Literature Press, 2019.
3. Written by Mu Shengbo, translated by Lin Xuanyu, "Floods and Famines: War and Ecology in the Huangpan District, Henan from 1938 to 1950", Beijing: Jiuzhou Publishing House, 2021.
4. Nil. Written by Ferguson, translated by Weng Jiayin, "The World War: The Clash of the 20th Century and the Unfalling of the West", Taipei: Plaza Publishing, 2013.
5. Written by Bu Zhengmin, Lin Tianqian, "Tongwang: Japanese Specialties and Local Elites in the Second World War", Taipei: Times Publishing, 2015.
6. Zhang Yu, "History of the Development of Warriors", Beijing: Military Science Press, 2004.
7. Qiu Shiqing, "The Manual on Civilian Survival under the War", New Taipei: Savage Culture, 2023.
8. Kawaguchi Taku, Cai Ting and Zhu Lu, "The Battlefield Action Code of Little People", New Taipei: The Bookstore, 2020.
9. Editor of Jay Winters, translated by Wang Benfeng, "History of the First World War of the Broadcasting Bridge", Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2023.
10. Written by Michael White, Lu Xinyu, "The Fruit of the War", Beijing: Sanlian Bookstore, 2009.
11. By Alexander Downes, translated by Li Mingjie, "Civilians in the War", Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press, 2017.
12. Monica Black, translated by Zhang Xin, "European Ghost Place", Taipei: Published by Wucheng, 2023.
13. Jeremy Black, translated by Xun Rong, "The Massacre: History and Memory", Beijing: Central Registration Press, 2018.
14. Margaret MacMillan, translated by Cao Yanheng, "Warring: How Violence, Conflicts and Movement Shapes Humanity and Society", Taipei, Shang and Zhou Publishing, 2021.
15. Written by Azar Gat, Translation of Money, "The War in the Civilized World", Shanghai: Huadong Teachers University Press, 2022.
16. Weinberg, Gerhard. A World at Arms: The Global History of World War II. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
17. Townshend, Charles. The Oxford History of Modern War. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
18. Chickering, Forster, Greiner ed. A World at Total War: Global Conflict and the Politics of Destruction, 1937–1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
19. Mawdsley, Evan ed. The Cambridge History of the Second World War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
20. Haymond, John. Soldiers: A Global History of the Fighting Man, 1800-1945. Lanham: Rowman&Littlefield, 2019.
21. Hughes, Philpott ed., Palgrave Advanceds in Modern Military History. New York: Palgrave MacMillian: 2006.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Classroom performance
20 1、含出席率、課堂參與度等各種表現 2、修習本課程之學生每週須於課前完成指定閱讀(至少挑選一項精讀)。
Oral Report
40 1、自第三週起,每位修課學生須選擇兩篇閱讀文本,進行約10至15分鐘之口頭報告,針對文本內容進行導讀。導讀內容包括文本內容之摘要,歸納論著之核心概念,以及學生個人對論點、研究方法之評析,和個人見解。其餘學生須認真聆聽,積極提問並參與討論。 2、依口頭報告之內容和論述邏輯作為評分依據
Final period written report
40 修課同學須自行挑選一主題,完成專題報告一篇,篇幅約8,000至10,000字。凡有「遲交」、「抄襲」或「不當引述他人著作」之情形,蓋不予計分,嚴重者送交校內學術倫理調查。繳交期限:第17週(期末考前一週)週日午夜24:00前繳交,逾時不候。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8[H435]
授課教師 Teacher:張以諾
修課班級 Class:歷史系3,4,碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:世界史領域課程。第一堂課未出席者,視同放棄,將逕予退選。大三四可選課
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 11 人。

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