1. This school period will strengthen the expression and communication of students in oral language, and use the briefing and discussion of class topics to effectively improve oral expression and writing skills.
2. Focus on students' basic mastery and understanding of verbal and sentences, and be able to understand them effectively.
3. Be able to understand the messages and cues provided by the text, understand the changes in language, master the key points of the entire article, and have sensitive feelings and profound perception abilities.
4. Make good use of AI generation and integrate it into Chinese learning to improve the integration of reading and modern information and social culture, and thus cultivate correct value view and life knowledge.
5. Be able to combine different forms of loads with openness to express personal thoughts and emotions, so that literature can be more consistent with the real life and emotional experience of "people".
• 指定閱讀部份:由教師選文另編製講義教材
• "Selected Notes on Short Stories in the Life of the Age", edited by Liu Yuanru and others, Liren Book Bureau.
• "Selected Chinese Traditional Short Stories", edited by Ma Youyuan, Liu Shuyan, and Hu Wanchuan, from the Internet.
• Designated reading section: Teaching materials for speech selection are compiled by the teacher
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂表現課堂表現 Classroom performance |
30 | 參與討論發言及出席率 |
個人習作及團體報告個人習作及團體報告 Personal writing and group reports |
50 | 團體分組報告及課堂習作、AI指定作業 |
期中考試期中考試 Midterm exam |
20 | 期中評量,依授課範圍進行 |