本課程旨在培養學生欣賞文學作品的感受力與鑑別力,並引導學生建立進行文學鑑賞與批評活動時應有的基本知識與思考能力。本課程亦將人工智慧融入中文學習,藉由AI生成式工具輔助學生完成期末作業,以提升學生跨領域學習能力。This course aims to cultivate students' sensibility and comprehendness to appreciate literary works, and to guide students to establish basic knowledge and thinking skills that should be found in conducting literary awards and criticism activities. This course also integrates artificial intelligence into Chinese learning, and uses AI-generated tools to help students complete final work to improve students' cross-domain learning ability.
Robert Scholes, Elements of Fiction
Roberts C holes, elements of fiction
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
W9:分組討論-期末作業發想W9:分組討論-期末作業發想 W9: Sub-group discussion-final operation ideas |
10 | 組別,需繳交腳本一份 |
W10-W15:分組報告-期末作業進度W10-W15:分組報告-期末作業進度 W10-W15: Sub-group report-end operation progress |
30 | 組別,繳交PPT一份 |
W16:期末作業成果發表W16:期末作業成果發表 W16: Final period operation results are published |
50 | 組別30%+個人20%,繳交作品一份 |
W17-W18:彈性學習心得W17-W18:彈性學習心得 W17-W18: Elastic Learning Experience |
10 | 個人 |