1. 培養學生學習扶助知能,包括學習扶助理論、低成就學生心理特質、班級經營、與學習扶助測驗評量。
2. 培養學生學習扶助課程設計能力,包括適性化教學、差異化教學設計、主題式課程設計。
3. 學生能獲得學習扶助實務與班級經營經驗。
4. 學生能獲得學習扶助相關行政作業與管理知能。1. Cultivate students' knowledge of learning assistance, including learning assistance, psychological characteristics of low-achieving students, class management, and learning assistance test evaluation.
2. Cultivate students' learning assistance course design abilities, including suitable teaching, differential teaching design, and theme course design.
3. Students can obtain learning assistance practice and class management experience.
4. Students can gain knowledge of learning and assistance to related administrative operations and management.
陳淑麗, 宣崇慧(2014)。帶好每一個學生:有效的補救教學。臺北市:心理。
未分类 (2020). Rescue teaching: theory and application. Taipei City: Psychology.
Chen Shuli, Xuan Chonghui (2014). Bring every student well: effective remedy teaching. Taipei City: Psychology.
Translated by Jiang Yunrong (2014). The teaching ability of ace teacher: 49 teaching tips to allow students to focus on learning and maximize their potential. Taipei City: Far.
Zhang Jiayi (2013). Excellent teachers are very different: 17 most important things in class. Taipei City: Muma Culture.
Li Chongjian (2018). Satir's dialogue practice. Taipei City: Family son is the world.
Guo Jincheng, Ma Xiufen (2020). Learn Sida talks with teachers and students. Taipei City: Family son is the world.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂參與課堂參與 Class Participation |
10 | |
補救教學師資培訓研習心得補救教學師資培訓研習心得 Rescue teaching teacher training experience |
15 | |
補救教學實務實習作業補救教學實務實習作業 Rescue teaching practice practice |
40 | 教學日誌或觀議課記錄 |
小組讀書報告小組讀書報告 Group reading report |
15 | |
期末專題期末專題 Final topics |
20 | 學習扶助教案設計 |