瞭解與探究十二年國民基本教育中教育相關議題並培養從專業領域對各項教育議題的反思能力。其次就教育行政的理論與實務發展,參考行政學之概念,包含計劃、決定、組織、溝通、領導、視導、激勵、興革、衝突管理、制度、人員、文化、氣氛等,應用於教育行政與學校組織領域,藉以糾合成員意志,運用各項資源,提升組織效能,有效達成教育目標。Understand and explore the relevant issues of education in the twelve years of national basic education and cultivate the ability to reflect on various educational issues from professional fields. Secondly, regarding the theoretical and practical development of education administration, we refer to the concept of administration, including planning, decision, organization, communication, leadership, visualization, motivation, innovation, conflict management, system, personnel, culture, atmosphere, etc., and apply it to education administration. With the school organization field, we can combine the will of the member, use various resources, improve the efficiency of the organization, and effectively achieve educational goals.
1. 謝文全(2011)。教育行政學。高等教育。
2. 議題融入說明手冊。https://www.naer.edu.tw/upload/1/16/doc/2027/議題融入說明手冊(定稿版).pdf
1. Thank you Wenquan (2011). Educational administration. Higher education.
2. Integrate the topic into the instructions manual. https://www.naer.edu.tw/upload/1/16/doc/2027/Control topics into instructions manual (final version).pdf
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂活動參與 課堂活動參與 Classroom activities participation |
20 | 討論與參與、態度、出席率(未完成請假並補交心得者每次扣5分) |
分組報告分組報告 Sub-group report |
20 | 各分組合力報告各一次教育行政與議題之報告及實務報告。 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | 考試題型將模擬新式教師檢定考之題型與配分 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 | 考試題型將模擬新式教師檢定考之題型與配分 |
隨堂考試隨堂考試 In the exam |
10 | 小考成績加總 |