course information of 113 - 2 | 3183 Media Literacy(社會:媒體素養)

3183 - 社會:媒體素養 Media Literacy

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標: 1.啟發學生能夠承認差異,願意肯定自我、欣賞他人與尊重差異。 2.認識西方媒體原有的公共性精神。 3.學習辨別假訊息。 4.網路應有的自律倫理。 課程內涵: 1.藉由課程引導學生承認媒體素養是現代公民的基本素養。 2.假訊息自古以來本是常態,學習區辨假訊息是成為人的重要學習歷程。 3.使學生了解「立場的無限放大」是社會的災難。 4.使學生承認標籤化的思考容易造成人與人之間的誤會與衝突。Course Target: 1. Engage students to acknowledge differences, be willing to affirm themselves, appreciate others and respect differences. 2. Understand the original public spirit of Western media. 3. Learn to identify fake messages. 4. The self-discipline and ethics that the Internet should have. Course content: 1. Through courses, students are guided to admit that media cultivation is the basic cultivation of modern citizens. 2. Fake messages have been a common practice since ancient times, and learning to distinguish fake messages is an important learning process for people. 3. Let students understand that "infinite magnification of standing" is a social disaster. 4. Make students' recognition labeled thinking easily lead to misunderstandings and conflicts between people.

參考書目 Reference Books


Akerlof, George A.、Shiller, Robert J.著,廖月娟譯,2020二版,《釣愚:操縱與欺騙的經濟學》。臺北:遠見天下文化。
Alatas, Syed Hussein著,陳耀宗譯,2022,《懶惰土著的迷思:16至20世紀馬來人、菲律賓人和爪哇人的形象及其於殖民資本主義意識形態中的功能》。新竹:國立陽明交通大學出版社。
Allport, Gordon著,郭曉燕譯,2023,《偏見的本質:人格心理學之父深度剖析,一切人類敵意行為的生成與消解》。新北:一起來出版,遠足文化事業。
Alterman, Eric著,王本濤、徐蒙譯,2023,《當總統撒謊:官方欺騙及其後果的歷史》。北京:社會科學文獻出版社。
Anderson, Benedict Richard O'Gorman著,吳叡人譯,2010二版,《想像的共同體――民族主義的起源與散布(新版)》。臺北:時報文化。
Anderson, Benedict Richard O'Gorman著,陳信宏譯,2024,《比較的幽靈:民族主義、東南亞與全球》。新北:衛城出版,遠足文化事業。
Andrade, Tonio(歐陽泰)著,黃中憲譯,2024,《最後的使團:1795年荷蘭使團和一段被遺忘的中西相遇史》。臺北:時報文化。
Ariely, Dan著,吳鄭重譯,2024,《誤信:為什麼理性的人會相信不理性的事》。臺北:遠見天下文化。
Bergstrom, Carl T.、West, Jevin D.著,穆思婕、沈聿德譯,2022,《數據的假象:數據識讀是深度偽造時代最重要的思辨素養,聰明決策不被操弄》。臺北:天下雜誌。
Bloch, Marc著,張緒山譯,2021,《國王神跡:英法王權所謂超自然性研究》。北京:商務印書館。
Buckingham, David著,林子斌譯,2006,《媒體教育:素養、學習與現代文化》。臺北:巨流圖書。
Cagé, Julia著,洪暉、申華明譯,2018,《媒體的未來――數字時代的困境與重生》。北京:中信出版社。
da Empoli, Giuliano著,林佑軒譯,2019,《政客、權謀、小丑:民粹如何襲捲全球》。臺北:時報文化。
Darnton, Robert著,國立編譯館、呂健忠譯,2005,《貓大屠殺―法國文化史鉤沉》。臺北:聯經。
Davis, Natalie Zemon著,江政寬譯,2000,《馬丹‧蓋赫返鄉記》。臺北:聯經。
Foer, Franklin著,吳緯疆譯,2019,《被壟斷的心智:谷歌、亞馬遜、臉書、蘋果如何支配我們的生活》。臺北:天下文化。
Frankfurt, Harry G.著,唐澄暐譯,2020,《論真實》。新北:八旗文化,遠足文化事業。
Gorman, Lyn、McLean, David著,林怡馨譯,2007,《大眾媒介社會史》。新北:韋伯文化國際。
Hobsbawm, Eric、Trevor-Roper, Hugh、Morgan, Prys、Cannadine, David、Cohn, Bernard S.、Ranger, Terence著,陳思仁、潘宗億、洪靜宜、蕭道中、徐文路譯,2002,《被發明的傳統》。臺北:貓頭鷹。
Hodkinson, Paul著,國家教育研究院、黃元鵬、吳佳綺譯,2013,《媒介、文化與社會》。新北:韋伯文化國際。
Hofstadter, Richard著,陳思賢譯,2018,《美國的反智傳
By Toshiki Kosai, Lin Yang, 2024, "The Immortal Structure of the Nation: How does the collective recognition based on imagination become a real ethnic conflict? 》. Taipei: Spiritual Workshop.
Wu Xiuyan, Huang Tingmin, 2018, "Attention Businessmen: How do they manipulate people's hearts? Revealing the media, advertising, and the fight between the masses. Taipei: The World Magazine.
Wu Cuizhen and Chen Shimin, 2007, "Media Education Education". Taipei: Juliu Book.
Abe Shu, also written by Chen Guo, 2021, "Hamén's Flute Player: Memory, Translation and Change, An Investigation of the Minds of the Common People in the Middle Ages of European Society". New Taipei: Taiwan Business Printing Library.
Lin Zhaozhen, 2009, "Received News: Commodification of TV News in Taiwan". Taipei: Union.
Lin Wei, 2023, "Island Fantasy: The Imaginary Subject and Future of Mazu, the War Land. Taipei: Published by Chunshan.
Lin Moong, added and reprinted in 2017, "Killing Witches, Calling Souls and Taiwan Positioning - discussing the problems of fishing and Nanhai learning". Taipei: Dawn Cultural Affairs.
Ye Qizheng, 2008, "Mi Shengli Society". Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau.
Yang Rubin, 2023, "Thinking about the Republic of China". New Taipei: Union.
Zhai Benrui, 2000, "Education and Society - Educational Social Reflection in the Era of Information". Taipei: A wise cultural career.
Zhao Ye, 1998, "Going to Grudge: Exploration of the Crisis of Democracy and the Way Out". Taipei: Taiwan Social Research Magazine.
Zhao, 2024, "The State of the Subject: The Between History, Literature and Social Theory". Taipei: Taiwan Social Research Magazine.

Written by Akerlof, George A., Shiller, Robert J., translated by Liao Yuejuan, 2020 second edition, "Yan Yu: Economics of Manipulation and Deception". Taipei: See the world's culture far away.
By Alatas, Syed Hussein, Chen Yaozonglu, 2022, "Myths of the Lazy Indigenous: The Images of Malays, Filipinos and Javanese from the 16th to the 20th Century and Its Function in the Ideological Form of Colonial Capitalism". Hsinchu: National Yangming Jiaotong University Press.
Allport, Gordon, translated by Guo Xiaoyan, 2023, "The Intrinsic of Prejudice: In-depth Analysis of the Father of Personal Psychology, the Generation and Dissolution of All Human Negative Behaviors". New Taipei: Come and publish together to achieve cultural affairs.
Alterman, Eric, Wang Benqian and Xu Menglu, 2023, "The General Liberty: A History of Official Fraud and Its Consequences". Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press.
Written by Anderson, Benedict Richard O'Gorman, Wu Yao Renren, 2010 Second Edition, "The Common Imagination - the Origin and Distribution of Nationalism (New Edition). Taipei: Time culture.
Written by Anderson, Benedict Richard O'Gorman, Chen Xin Honglu, 2024, "Comparative Spirits: Nationalism, Southeast Asia and the World". New Taipei: Guangcheng Publishing, extends to cultural affairs.
Written by Andrade, Tonio (Euro-Yangtai), Huang Zhongxian, 2024, "The Last Messenger: The Dutch Envoy and a Forgotten History of the Envoys in 1795". Taipei: Time culture.
By Ariely, Dan, Wu Zheng Re-translated, 2024, "Misunderstanding: Why Rational People Believe in Irrational Things". Taipei: See the world's culture far away.
Bergstrom, Carl T., West, Jevin D., Mu Sijie, Shen Yudelu, 2022, "The Illusion of Data: Data Reading is the most important speculative factor in the era of deep manufacturing, and clever decisions will not be manipulated." Taipei: The World Magazine.
Bloch, Marc, Zhang Changshanlu, 2021, "The God of the Kingdom: A Study on the Supernaturality of the Rights of the King of England and France". Beijing: Commercial Printing Library.
Buckingham, David, translated by Lin Zibin, 2006, Media Education: Nutrition, Learning and Modern Culture. Taipei: Juliu Book.
By Cagé, Julia, Hong Ying, Shen Hua Minglu, 2018, "The Future of the Media - Dilemma and Rebirth of the Digital Age". Beijing: CITIC Publishing House.
Da Empoli, Giuliano, translated by Lin You, 2019, "Politician, Righteous, The Joker: How Populism Falls the World". Taipei: Time culture.
Darnton, Robert, National Editorial House, Lu Jianzhong Lu, 2005, "The Cat Massacre-The Sink of French Cultural History". Taipei: Union.
Davis, Natalie Zemon, Jiang Zhengwei Translation, 2000, "Remembrance of Madan Lihe's Return to Country". Taipei: Union.
By Foer, Franklin, Wu Xinjiang, 2019, "The Broken Mind: Google, Amazon, Faces, How Apple Dominates Our Life". Taipei: World culture.
Frankfurt, Harry G., translated by Tang Chengwei, 2020, "The Truth". New Taipei: Eight Banners culture, which is a cultural career.
Gorman, Lyn, McLean, David, translated by Lin Yixin, 2007, "A History of Social Sciences in the Public Media". New Taipei: Weibo Cultural International.
Hobsbawm, Eric, Trevor-Roper, Hugh, Morgan, Prys, Cannadine, David, Cohn, Bernard S., Ranger, Terence, Chen Siren, Pan Zongyi, Hong Jingyi, Qi Daozhong, Xu Wenlulu, 2002, "The Invented Tradition" 》. Taipei: Cat head horn.
By Hodkinson, Paul, translated by National Institute of Education, Huang Yuanzhe, Wu Jiayi, 2013, Media, Culture and Society. New Taipei: Weibo Cultural International.
By Hofstadter, Richard, Chen Siqin, 2018, "Anti-intellectualism in the United States"

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class attendance
30 每週點名
Classroom experience
40 共繳交四份,每人每份至少800字。
Personal final report
30 請閱讀《偽歧視:拆穿政治正確、破解直覺偏見,用數字與邏輯重新認識歧視的真相!》這本著作並撰寫讀後心得,每人每份至少2400字。(含彈性學習)

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學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/1,2[LAN111]
授課教師 Teacher:陳鈺偉
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 75 人。

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