在劇烈多變的環境狀況下,欲維持地球自然系統及人類文化系統長久的存續及昌盛,需要我們以永續性的方式生活。永續性的維持我們所用的資源,也共同合作協助維持整個生命的網絡。為致力達成人類與地球未來的共榮藍圖,2015年9月,聯合國永續發展會議(UN Sustainable Development Summit)通過2030年永續發展議程(2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development),在兼顧「經濟成長」、「社會進步」與「環境保護」等三大面向下,提出17項主要目標作為[永續發展目標(SDGs)],志在2030年前達成。其中與水資源直接相關的是目標6的主題:[潔淨水與衛生],希望確保人人都享有潔淨的水與衛生,並做好永續管理。本課程希望能讓學生了解在全球氣候變遷及水資源缺乏的危機下,如何永續性的進行水資源利用與管理。本課程亦將涵蓋氣候變遷對水資源的影響、影響的因應措施、水資源保育、水資源開發、效率用水與節約用水、水污染與用水安全、合理分配民生用水、農業用水及工業用水等議題。Under the dramatic and changing environment, we need to live in a permanent way to maintain the long-term survival and prosperity of the Earth's natural system and human cultural system. We maintain the resources we use in a sustainable manner and work together to help maintain the entire network of life. In order to strive to achieve the commendation of the human race and the future of the earth, in September 2015, the UN Sustainable Development Summit was also focusing on “economic growth” through the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, "Social Progress" and "Environmental Protection" have proposed 17 main goals as [Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)], aiming to achieve them by 2030. Among them, the theme of goal 6 is directly related to water resources: [Purification of water and sanitation]. We hope to ensure that everyone enjoys pure water and sanitation and to do a good job of permanent management. This course hopes to let students understand how to continuously utilize and manage water resources in the face of global climate change and water resources shortage. This course will also cover the impact of climate change on water resources, the impact of the measures, water resource conservation, water resource development, efficient water use and settlement water, water pollution and water safety, rational distribution of people's livelihood water, agricultural water and industrial water, etc., etc. .
1. Living in the environment, G. Tyler Miller & Scott E. Spoolman, 17e. Brook/Cole, Cengage Lerning 2012
2.全球氣候變遷 InfoVisual 研究所 台灣東販出版社 2022.3
3.水資源的世界地圖 David Blanchon 無境文化公司 2018.121.
4.水資源地圖 Maggie Black & Jannet King 聯經出版社 2012.6
5.水資源與環境問題 InfoVisual 研究所 台灣東販出版社 2022.7
6.氣候變遷對水資源之衝擊 王文江 中興工程科技研究發展基金會 2017.6
1. Living in the environment, G. Tyler Miller & Scott E. Spoolman, 17e. Brook/Cole, Cengage Lerning 2012
2. Global climate change InfoVisual Institute Taiwan Dongbei Publishing House 2022.3
3. World map of water resources David Blanchon Non-Live Culture Company 2018.121.
4. Water Resource Map Maggie Black & Jannet King Joint Press 2012.6
5. Water Resources and Environmental Problems InfoVisual Research Institute Taiwan Dongbei Publishing House 2022.7
6. The impact of climate change on water resources Wang Wenjiang Zhongxing Engineering Technology Research and Development Foundation 2017.6
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考30% ;期末考30% ;平時成績(出席、小考、小組討論) 35% ;學生自主實作5%期中考30% ;期末考30% ;平時成績(出席、小考、小組討論) 35% ;學生自主實作5% 30% of midterm exam; 30% of final exam; 35% of daily results (attendance, elementary exam, group discussion); 5% of students' independent practice |
5 | 期中考mid-term exam.30% ;期末考final exam.30% ;平時成績(出席、小考、小組討論) Assignment and attendance 35% ;學生自主實作Student-driven project implementation 5% |