course information of 113 - 2 | 3106 Innovative Issues in Nature(自然:自然創新議題)

3106 - 自然:自然創新議題 Innovative Issues in Nature

教育目標 Course Target

本課程持續修世界公民議題討論課的小班分組討論及問題導向的教學方式,並加入「現象導向學習」Phenomenon Based Learning(也翻譯為多元化創新課程),其與問題導向學習Problem Based Learning,專題導向學習Project Based Learning 類似卻有差異,如果說問題導向學習相對看重的是深度的探索,專題導向學習則更看重利他行動能力的展現,而現象導向學習無疑更偏向廣度的理解,因為強調多向度的全面了解,特別是著重批判性思考。 現象導向學習強調學習不再以分科為核心,而是藉由學習跨學科統整。期望學生能從觀察到的真實現象出發,進而能夠進行持續的探索。藉由討論各種特定議題,如垃圾、剩食、蚊蟲……讓學生可以360度的全景環繞這個議題進行跨領域的統整理解。對博雅書院的學生,他們除了在本科系上可以有專業的重量學習,而在書院則是軟實力的培養,團隊合作、人際溝通、多元知識與興趣、探索與冒險、發想與創新,並身體力行,如孔子所說:吾聽吾忘、吾見吾記、吾做吾悟;也有學者做了分析:閱讀只記得10%、聽到20%、看到30%、看聽同時50%、講過70%、去做90%。所以觀察探究、資料收集、個案分析、問題提出、解決方式、可能策略、實質行動……都是課程所要面對的挑戰,藉此透過多次討論、辯證與修正,尋找可能有效的機會,讓師生共同學習與成長。 This course continues to discuss small-class discussions and problem-oriented teaching methods for the World Citizenship Discussion Courses, and adds "Phenomenon Based Learning" (also translated into a diversified innovative course), which and problem-oriented learning Problem Based Learning, topic Project Based Learning There are similar differences. If we say that problem-oriented learning attaches great importance to in-depth exploration, the topic-oriented learning attaches more importance to the development of altruistic action ability, while the phenomenon-oriented learning undoubtedly tends to be broader understanding, because we emphasize the comprehensive understanding of multidimensionality, Especially focusing on critical thinking. The phenomenon-oriented learning is no longer centered on subject division, but is based on interdisciplinary integration. We hope that students can develop from the observed real phenomena and then continue to explore. By discussing various specific topics, such as garbage, leftover food, mosquitoes... students can understand the topic across regions with a panoramic view of 360 degrees. For students of Boya Bookstore, in addition to having professional weight learning in undergraduate departments, they are practical training in the bookstore, team cooperation, international communication, diverse knowledge and interest, exploration and adventure, ideas and innovation, and As Confucius said, I have forgotten, I have seen, I have realized, and I have realized. Some scholars have also analyzed: I only remember 10% when reading, I have heard 20%, I have seen 30%, I have heard 50% when reading, and I have said 70%, do 90%. Therefore, observation and exploration, data collection, case analysis, problem raising, solution methods, possible strategies, and practical actions... are all challenges that the course needs to face. Through multiple discussions, confirmations and corrections, we can find possible effective opportunities, Teachers and students learn and grow together.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.Ken Robinson 讓天賦自由 天下文化2018
2.Michael J. Sandel成功的反思:混亂世局中,我們必須重新學習的一堂課 先覺2021

1.Ken Robinson Lets the natural freedom World Culture 2018
2. Michael J. Sandel's successful reflection: A class we must re-learn in a mess. See 2021 first

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
15 缺席一次,扣5分,缺席3次,此部份零分。如果因事或因病該週無法出席上課,必須事先請假,並且在下一次上課之前需補交該週所需資料。
Student Report
60 針對兩個主題進行兩次分組報告。課堂口頭報告部份30分,書面報告部份30分。兩次主題報告,同組所有成員都需上台報告,而每一主題之後的書面報告需3000字以上。
Class discussion
25 課堂上準備、討論與參與表現。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/11,12[博雅書院書齋]
授課教師 Teacher:林其昌/彭康健
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:博雅書院合作課程。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 3 人。

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