課程,希望從十八世紀革命年代思想家盧梭浪漫思想探討理性年代的理性主義與浪漫主義的內涵,展開理性與浪漫的對話。當中介紹理性主義與浪漫主義在西方世界的發展,以及對當代思潮的影響。學生從而理解文化底蘊與人文內涵。The course goal of the humanities field is to create students' appreciation of beauty and artistic connotation of willingness to be good.
In the course, I hope to explore the connotation of rationalism and romanticism in the age of rationality from the 18th century revolutionary era, and to develop the dialogue between rationality and romanticism. When intermediary discusses the development of rationalism and romanticism in the Western world and its influence on contemporary thought trends. Students understand the cultural heritage and humanistic connotation from the perspective of the students.
Ke Yilong, 2009, History of Western Political Thought, Taipei, Liwen Culture
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中報告1500字期中報告1500字 Midterm report 1500 words |
30 | |
第二次報告1500字第二次報告1500字 Second report 1500 words |
30 | |
期末報告1500字期末報告1500字 Final report 1500 words |
30 | |
出席率出席率 Attendance rate |
5 | |
學生自主實作學生自主實作 Students' independent practice |
5 |