(一) 人文領域的課程目標在於啟發學生美的鑑賞與願意為善的藝術涵養。
(二) 生命本身就像是一部部連續不斷的電影。本課程將著重對生命智慧有所啟發的電影為核心文本,以了解甚麼是有價值的人文創新,並開啟與藝術涵養、美的鑑賞、發現美善素養、願意良善等有關的人文對話。這個深度對話包含授課老師與學生之間的面對面互動,以及同學與同學之間面對面的討論與交流。本課程的終極目的不是為了追求固定的標準答案,而是為讓同學在此過程中尋找這門通識教育課程的靈魂,思索有關人生、社會、美善和知識的諸多問題。
(三) 這門課程亦為讓來自不同學科的學生能藉此了解為何需要學習電影,並能由此發現電影中諸多人文創新議題。更為促使同學能透過這些電影增添美學素養,以進行人文對話,深入理解生命的美善與價值,且透過此培養同學們的藝術涵養與批判思維。
(I) The course goal of the humanities field is to develop students' appreciation of beauty and artistic cultivation that is willing to be good.
(II) Life itself is like a continuous movie. This course will focus on films that have been created by life wisdom as the core text to understand what valuable humanistic innovation is, and to start humanistic dialogues related to art cultivation, beauty recognition, discovering goodness and cerebrality, and willingness to be kind. This in-depth conversation includes face-to-face interaction between the teacher and the student, as well as face-to-face discussions and communication between classmates. The ultimate goal of this course is not to pursue fixed standard answers, but to allow students to find the soul of this general education course in the process and think about many questions about life, society, beauty and knowledge.
(III) This course also allows students from different subjects to understand why they need to learn movies and can discover many humanistic innovation topics in movies. It also encourages students to add aesthetic literacy through these films to conduct humanistic dialogues, deeply understand the beauty and value of life, and cultivate their artistic cultivation and critical thinking through this.
Allen, Don著,張靚蓓譯,《再見楚浮》。台北:遠流,1996。
Bordwell, D. & Thompson, K.著,曾偉禎譯,《電影藝術:形式與風格》,臺北:麥格羅希爾,2013。
Bordwell, D.著,《開創的電影語言:艾森斯坦的風格與詩學》,游惠貞譯。台北:遠流,1995。
Grazzin, Giovanni著,邱芳莉譯,《費里尼對話錄》,。台北:遠流,1993。
Hayward, S. & Vincedeau, G. (eds.). French Film: Texts and Contexts. London: Routledge, 1990.
Spoto, Donald著,《天才的陰暗面:緊張大師希區考克》,韓良憶譯。台北:遠流,2000。
Suber, H.著 ,游宜樺譯 ,《電影的魔力:揭開電影成功的魔力秘訣與元素》,臺北:早安財經,2009。
Thompson, K. & Bordwell, D.著,《電影百年發展史》,廖金鳳譯。台北:美商麥格羅˙希爾,1998。
金基德、鄭聖一等著, 範小青譯,《野生金基德》。上海:上海人民,2011。
Allen, Don, translated by Zhang Jingbei, "Meet Chu Fu Again". Taipei: Far, 1996.
Bordwell, D. & Thompson, K., translated by Zeng Wei, "Movie Art: Form and Style", Taipei: Macrochill, 2013.
Bordwell, D., "The Creative Movie Language: Eisenstein's Style and Poetry", translated by You Hui. Taipei: Far, 1995.
Grazzin, Giovanni, written by Qiu Fangli, "Fellini Dialogue",. Taipei: Far, 1993.
Hayward, S. & Vincedeau, G. (eds.). French Film: Texts and Contexts. London: Routledge, 1990.
Spoto, Donald, "The Dark Side of Genius: The Secret of Master Zhang Xi District Cock", Korean Good Worship. Taipei: Far, 2000.
Written by Suber, H., You Yifeng, "The Magic of Movie: Unveiling the Magical Secrets and Elements of Movie Success", Taipei: Good Morning Finance, 2009.
By Thompson, K. & Bordwell, D., "History of the Centennial Development of Film", translated by Liao Jin-yi. Taipei: American businessman McGros Hill, 1998.
Written by Hei Zeming, translated by Chen Baoli, "The Oil of Toad: Hei Zeming Looking for Hei Zeming". Taipei: Maitian Publishing, 2014.
Kim Ki-deok and Jung Saint-yi are waiting, and Xiao-Ching-ru, "Wild Kim Ki-deok". Shanghai: Shanghai People, 2011.
Frederick Stewarts, Fu Yuchen and Xie, "Desire Movie: Almodovar Talk Movie". Beijing: People's Literature, 2007.
Written by Yao Xiaomeng, "Movie Aesthetics", Taipei: Wunan, 1993.
Xie Shizong, "Hou Xiaoqin's Concentration: Lyrical Tradition, Text Interference and Cultural Politics", Taipei: Group Studies, 2021.
Jiao Xiongping, "The New Wave of French Movies". Taipei: Maitian: 2004.
James Naremore, "Movie Noir: Historical Criticism and Style", Xu Zhanxiong. Guangxi Master, 2009.
Chigufreud Kracoul, "From Karigarli to Hitler: A History of Psychological in German Film", Li Jinglu. Shanghai: Shanghai People, 2008.
Written by Qi Longren, "The Study of Movie Symbols". Taipei: Shulin, 1992.
Jung Shimori, "Movie Types and Types of Movies". Taipei: Hong Feng, 2005.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中電影心得撰寫 期中電影心得撰寫 Writing of mid-term movie experience |
20 | 對自己人生有所啟發的電影2000字心得撰寫 |
期末考試 期末考試 Final exam |
20 | 申論題型與創意發想題型 |
課堂表現與出席狀況 課堂表現與出席狀況 Class performance and attendance |
30 | 課堂參與度將會是重要的評分參考指標 |
分組討論與上台分享報告分組討論與上台分享報告 Sub-group discussion and sharing reports on stage |
20 | 同學實際參與分組討論與上台分享報告的情況 |
自主彈性學習作業自主彈性學習作業 Autonomous elastic learning practice |
10 | 實際前往電影院觀賞一部院線電影,並提出自己對其中創新議題發現的1000字心得書寫 |