1. 追求自我價值肯定,喚起同學們勇於冒險探索自我潛能,發展自主獨立思考創作之能力,豐富生活品質和內涵。
3. 通過美學美感教育,引領同學認識各種類型的藝術活動,從而理解並深黯其藝術特質和內涵,進而提升鑑賞能力。
1. Pursuing self-value recognition, students are brave enough to explore their potential, develop their ability to think independently and create independently, and enrich the quality and connotation of life.
2. Through public art courses and artistic creation, we can achieve the ability of general education: seeking truth, trustworthiness, and practicing in our personal taste.
3. Through aesthetic aesthetic education, we will lead students to understand various types of artistic activities, and then understand and deeply depress their artistic characteristics and connotations, thereby improving their ability to gain knowledge.
What is ahead of us - Editor: Shi Zhe-Kaohsiung Municipal Government Culture Bureau
Cultural View of Public Art-Author: Lin Baohua-Artist Publishing House
Art Story-Author: E.H.GOMBRICH-International Publishing Company
Metaphysical and Inferior - Author: Tang Dynasty - China Mainland Huaxia Publishing House (simple book)
Overview of Public Art - Author: Wang Hongyi - China Academy of Arts Press
The History of Beauty - Author: Li Zehou - Sanmin Book Bureau
Public Art Design-Author: Zhu Ge Yuyang-China Power Publishing House
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中報告期中報告 Midterm Report |
30 | 提升生活品質與社區環境美學之關係,提出個人的觀察與改善建議。 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
30 | 給自己來一個開創性的提案,計畫書或企畫書撰寫。 |
出席表現及上課專注度出席表現及上課專注度 Attendance and class attendance |
40 | 上課是否專心,有無遲到早退或缺席等。 |