course information of 113 - 2 | 3024 Thinking with Humanistic Value(人文:人文價值思辨)

3024 - 人文:人文價值思辨 Thinking with Humanistic Value

教育目標 Course Target

中國雖作為古代文明的發源地之一,號稱禮儀之邦,然而近代對中國傳統思想的批判,尤以禮教為最甚。在傳統禮治社會中,那些耳熟能詳的觀念形態,像是「男尊女卑」、「三綱五常」、「天下無不是的父母」、「君要臣死,臣不得不死」、「餓死事小,失節事大」、「存天理,去人欲」等祖訓和教條,已淪肌浹髓,陳陳相因,因而催生出「五四運動」的知識分子批評「禮教吃人」,倡導「打倒孔家店」的激昂口號,掀起一時代的思想浪潮。時至今日,傳統「禮」文化是否還有存在的必要?它在現今社會中的作用、功能及價值為何?仍舊值得人們省思,作出總結性的清查和透視性的體認。 本課程將由淺入深,循序漸進向學生介紹傳統「禮」文化的基礎知識,引領學生進入「禮」的人文國度,挑選與現代人息息相關的禮儀情境,諸如:「生育禮」、「成年禮」、「婚禮」、「慶生禮」、「養老禮」、「喪禮」、「祭禮」、「生活禮儀」、「人際交往」等九大核心主題,並搭配與課程相關的圖文資料、影音視頻和通俗故事,關注古今禮俗變遷所延伸的社會現象,冀使同學能以鑑賞眼光,去其糟粕,取其菁華,而將「禮」視為一生修身踐行的圭臬,培養出與人為善、互助樂寧的德性光輝,自發實踐中華禮樂文明的人文素養,塑造立身處世的理想風範,繼而邁向自信美好的人生旅途。 Although China is one of the origins of ancient civilizations and is called the state of tribute, modern criticism of Chinese traditional thought is especially tribute. In the traditional society, those familiar concepts and conditions are like "men are superior to women", "three kings and five constants", "parents and parents in the world", "If the king wants his minister to die, his ministers have to die", "The matter of dying is small, but the matter of losing one's affairs is big. ", "preserving the laws of nature and eliminating human desires" and other ancestral teachings and teachings have already purified the skin. Chen Chen has given birth to the "May 4th Movement" intellectuals criticized "Talking to teach people" and advocated "overthrowing the Kong family The passionate mouth of the store has set off a wave of thought for a time. To this day, is the traditional "gratulations" culture still necessary? What is its role, function and value in today's society? It is still worthy of reflection and conducting a comprehensive inventory and a transparent physical recognition. This course will go from purity to depth, step by step to introduce students to the basic knowledge of traditional "gift" culture, guide students into the humanistic country of "gift", and select gift situations that are closely related to modern people, such as: "fertility gifts" and "adult gifts" , "Wedding", "Life Gift", "Home Gift", "Training", "Traveling", "Tribute", "Tribute", "Life Gift", and "International Interaction", etc., and are matched with the course The related graphics, video and popular stories focus on the social phenomena extended by the changes in the ancient and modern gifts, hoping that students can gain insights, remove the dross and take the essence of their lives, and regard "gifts" as a way to cultivate one's own life. The principle is to cultivate the virtue of being kind and mutually helpful and kind, to develop the humanistic qualities of Chinese gift civilization, to shape the ideal style of life and to continue to embark on a confident and beautiful journey.

參考書目 Reference Books


[France] Fan Ting Neptu, Zhang Wengwen, "Transportation Merchant", Beijing, Commercial Press, 2010
Wang Qianmin, "History of Chinese Ceremony", Taipei, Wenjin Publishing House, 2001
He Haokui, "Research on Chinese Ceremony", Taipei, Taiwan China Book Bureau, 2017
Li Yunguang, "Reflections on the Gift", Kaohsiung, Revisual Book Publishing House, 1992
Li Yiyuan, "A Study on Humanity in Cultural Images (Part 1)" Taipei, Yunchen Culture Publishing Company, 1992
Li Yiyuan, "Images of Culture (Part 2) Cultural Views of Religion and Ethnic Groups", Taipei, Yunchen Culture Publishing Company, 1992
Li Fengxian, "Classics and Celebrities", Taipei, National Aerial University, 2010
Zhou He, "Ancient and Current Discussions", Taipei, Guowen Tiandi Publishing House, 1992
Lin Suwen, "A Study on the Humanities and Aesthetics of the Tribute", Taipei, Wenjin Publishing House, 2001
Lin Suying, "The View of Life and Death in Ancient Life Gifts", Taipei, Wenjin Publishing House, 1997
Jiang Linxiang, "Traveling the Wisdom Quotes", Taipei, Guangda Cultural Affairs Company, 2010
Haiying, "Travel China", Beijing, Beijing Teachers University Press, 2021
Cao Jiandun, "Exploration of the Pre-Qin Merchant", Tianjin, Tianjin People's Publishing House, 2010
Cai Shangsi, "History of Chinese Merit Thoughts", Shanghai, Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2006
Guo Zhenhua, "Culture of Ancient Life in China", Xi'an, Xianxi People's Education Press, 1998
Peng Lin, "Ancient Chinese Merchant Civilization", Beijing, China Book Bureau, 2013
Peng Meiling, Wan Dunhua and others, "Font Fellowship: The Vulgar View of Marriage and Gifts", Taipei, National Press, 2008
Ye Guoliang, "Chinese Traditional Life Customs", Taipei, Wunan Publishing House, 2014
Ye Guoliang, Li Longwei and others, "Research on the Han Adult Ceremony and Related Problems", Taipei, Da'an Publishing House, 2004
Self-edited lecture/classroom lanterns

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Mid-term and final tests
60 申論題
Study period written report
20 針對課程規劃的學習單討論主題,擇一子題發揮學習心得與反饋,字數不限,最慢於期末考當週以紙本形式繳交。
Attendance and class discussion
20 依修課同學每週出席率與課程表現,酌予評分。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7[C204]
授課教師 Teacher:黃慧芬
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:傳統生命禮俗
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 63 人。

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