Regardless of whether in the community or in the personal life, whether pursuing intentionally or following customs and practices, religious phenomena or influences appear constantly around your and my lives. For most young people, religion seems to be a thing of the past, but it still often appears in your and my lives, and there is a kind of close and remote relationship to your life. What is religion? Why do I need religious beliefs if there are such a variety of religions? What impact does religion have on individuals or social groups? Can we understand it in a rational way?
This course is one of the courses on the common humanistic religious spirit, which will develop from the core concept of religious spirit. The first part of the course is to help students understand the diverse facets of religion and the mechanisms that affect individuals and human society. The course content in this part will be discussed in the case using the "Creative Concept and Practical Preliminary Process of Donghai University"; then explore the connotation and spirit of the three main religious traditions of human society, with the aim of understanding the comments and meanings of different religious traditions on the life course. , it will also explore the development process of major religions in Taiwan, as well as its core connotation and impact. The last section will focus on the core spirit of Christianity and examine the impact of Christianity on the individual and society of contemporary society. The ultimate goal is to help students in this multicultural society, through understanding of religious spirit, help establish appropriate life goals and value concepts, and actively realize them in life.
Based on the university founded by our school as Christianity, in order to give students a deeper understanding of the spirit of Christian school, this course will enhance the proportion of introduction and commentary of the spirit of Christ (for details, please see the teaching progress table).
(一) 瑪麗‧派特‧費雪著,尤淑雅譯,1999,《二十一世紀宗教》。台北:城邦文化事業。
(二) 輔仁大學宗教學系編,2006,《宗教概論》。台北:五南圖書。
(三) Smith,Huston著、劉安雲譯,2008,《人的宗教》。台北:立緒。
(四) Hendric Willem Van Loon著,王偉、劉國鵬譯,2014,《聖經的故事》。台中:好讀出版。
教師自編教材公佈於 ilearn教學平台,學生請自行上教學平台下載閱讀。
(I) Mali Patt Fifey, translated by You Shuya, 1999, "Twenty-first Century Religion". Taipei: City-state cultural affairs.
(II) Department of Religion, 2006, "Religion Overview". Taipei: Wunan Book.
(III) Smith, Huston, Liu Anyun, 2008, "Religion of Man". Taipei: Stand up.
(IV) by Hendric Willem Van Loon, translated by Wang Wei and Liu Guo, 2014, "The Story of the Christmas". Taichung: easy to read and publish.
Please download the online sacred book by yourself to prepare for reading
The textbooks compiled by teachers are published on the ilearn teaching platform. Students are required to download and read on the teaching platform themselves.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課程出席與課堂參與課程出席與課堂參與 Course attendance and class participation |
25 | 四次未出席(含經教師許可之請假六次)不採計本項成績;積極參與課程最高加分20% |
期中參與觀察報告期中參與觀察報告 Mid-term participation and observation report |
25 | 參與觀察與報告撰寫規定,上課後另見ilearn教學平台公告之詳細授課內容。 |
兩次影音賞析報告兩次影音賞析報告 Two video review reports |
10 | 請按上課進度上傳教學平台(本項評分為彈性學習配分) |
期末隨堂評量測驗期末隨堂評量測驗 Final evaluation test |
40 | 測驗時得攜帶個人複習筆記進場測驗,相關辦法期末測驗前兩週公告。 |