Students will establish a working knowledge of the Romantic Period in a deep way, by comparing the various composers and their contributions to the progression of Romantic music into the “Contemporary Period”, that is, music of the 20th century. It is hoped that the student, at the end of the semester, will be able to hear a piece of music and name the composer who wrote it because od recognition of differing styles of composition.Students will establish a working knowledge of the Romantic Period in a deep way, by comparing the various composers and their contributions to the progression of Romantic music into the “Contemporary Period”, that is, music of the 20th century. It is hoped that the student, at the end of the semiconductor, will be able to hear a piece of music and name the composer who wrote it because od recognition of different styles of composition.
Instructor generated handouts will serve as written material, and CD’s and YouTube will be employed extensively.
instructor generated handsouts will serve as written material, and CD’sand YouTube will be employed extensively.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
PapersPapers papers |
30 | |
Midterm & Final Written and ListeningMidterm & Final Written and Listening midterm & final written and listening |
40 | |
AddentanceAddentance AD's N detection |
25 | |
Student Autonomous LearningStudent Autonomous Learning student autonomous learning |
5 | Student Autonomous Learning Experiential Courses |