這門課程涵蓋了美學驅動設計的多面向議題,從美學核心概念、品牌價值、設計邏輯到感官體驗與數位創新,並探討永續性和全球趨勢。課程最後,學生將分組展示策略成果,透過與導師的互動,獲得反饋並反思學習收穫,以加深美學概念的實踐應用。This course covers a variety of topics in aesthetic driving design, from aesthetic core concepts, brand value, design logic to sensory experience and digital innovation, and explores perpetuity and global trends. At the end of the course, students will organize to showcase strategic results, gain feedback and reflect on learning through interaction with the instructor, in order to deepen the practical application of aesthetic concepts.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席率、課堂參與討論表現出席率、課堂參與討論表現 Attendance, class participation and discussion performance |
30 | |
小組實作與創意企劃小組實作與創意企劃 Group of implementation and creative planning |
30 | |
學期末報告、成果發表學期末報告、成果發表 Final report and results release |
40 |