本課程希望藉由初、中級華語文之學習,讓學習者能具備其基本生存語言及其相關溝通素養能力,並且藉此瞭解現今當下生活環境之社會概況及其文化特質。本課程強調:語言活用、生活實踐、知識連貫、跨文化比較,以及認識台灣社會時事與文化現象。並且希冀本課程之設計能強化學習者之華語文閱讀與寫作能力。This course hopes that through learning primary and intermediate Chinese, learners can possess their basic living language and their related communication skills, and understand the social generalities and cultural characteristics of the current living environment. This course emphasizes: language use, life practice, knowledge and cross-cultural comparison, as well as understanding Taiwan's social and cultural phenomena. And I hope that the design of this course can enhance the Chinese reading and writing skills of learners.
1.Edited by Tamkang University Chinese Center. (2019). "Chinese Language in the Times" (II). New Taipei City: Zhengzhong Book Bureau.
2. Edited by Sun Yifen and others. (2019). "Walking Forward in Chinese". Executive Yuan’s Committee.
3. The teacher will write a lecture.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 | |
平時作業平時作業 Normal operation |
30 | |
出席率出席率 Attendance rate |
10 |