授課人在教學現場觀察到,有不少學生在法律學習上有以下五項問題:其一,受困於系統性學習障礙,其最顯著病徵,體現在學生們(全學部,不論年級)皆有一個共同的學習盲點,亦即「只要面對嶄新劇情的實例題就無法看出爭點」。換言之,他們至多只能解決課堂上已經講授過極為類似或一模一樣劇情之實例題。其二,無法進行有效的爭點描述三步驟,亦即,無法「指出成為爭點的關鍵事實」(第一步驟),也不能「指出針對該關鍵事實應予適用之法依據」(第二步驟),更遑論要「將第一步驟與第二步驟進行涵攝後指出本件在法依據適用上成為爭點之構成要件要素諸問題」(第三步驟)。其三,不知如何進行課中筆記,具體上,像是來不及筆記或是無法掌握重點進行有效筆記等問題。其四,不知如何閱讀教科書,具體上,像是有讀沒有懂,或是讀過就忘等問題。其五,不知如何閱讀長文,具體上,像是根本讀不下去,或是根本讀不懂。另一方面,有志於申請國科會大專生研究計畫之學生則常常有「不知如何找到具有研究價值之問題意識」的困擾。此一問題,實也肇因於前述系統性學習障礙,按若是連最基本的爭點描述三步驟之第一步驟「指出成為爭點的關鍵事實」都無法順利操作,更遑論於此之上,針對特定議題指出「問題所在」藉以形成有意義的研究問題意識。蓋遂行研究之第一步即「指出問題之所在」,此與在案例演練時須先「指出成為爭點之關鍵事實」,實有著異曲同工之妙,只是前者較諸後者在程度上需要更高的法聯想力。據此可知,前述諸問題之根源所在,皆係出於「欠缺法聯想力」,也因此看不出成為爭點的關鍵事實,更找不出值得研究的問題所在。其結果就是,在期中期末考,無法正常發揮其已經習得的法理處理案例,而有志於申請國科會大專生研究計畫者,則無法具體形成問題意識以為研究之開展。為此,授課人特將111年教學實踐計畫之成果加以改良後開設本課程。本課程設計之核心目的,即在於「激活履修者的法聯想力,能令其能順利進入『思考狀態』且能樂於持續思考深入研究」。具體上,將以授課人所設計之案例展開民法與刑法之對話,在授課人之引導下,讓履修者融入對話參與對談,協助其進入「沈浸式思考」狀態。The teachers observed at the teaching scene that many students have the following five problems in law learning: First, they are trapped in systematic learning disorders, and their most significant symptoms are all current students (all departments, regardless of grades). There is a common learning blindness, that is, "the dispute cannot be seen as long as you face the actual example of a new plot." In other words, they can only solve the practical examples that have been taught in the classroom as extremely similar or exactly the same plot. Second, the three steps of effective point description cannot be carried out, that is, the key facts that become the point" (step 1), nor the basis for the applicable laws and regulations of the key facts" (second step), not to mention "the first step and the second step are covered and pointed out that this document is a controversial element of the component of the legal and appropriate application" (step 3). Third, I don’t know how to write in class, but in detail, such as not being able to write in the book or not being able to grasp the key points to make effective writing. Fourth, I don’t know how to read textbooks. In terms of specifics, I have questions such as whether I have read it or forgetting it after reading it. Fifth, I don’t know how to read long articles, but in detail, I can’t read them at all, or I can’t understand them at all. On the other hand, students who are interested in applying for a research plan for university students at the National Science Association often have the difficulties of "not knowing how to find the problem of research value". This problem is actually caused by the aforementioned systematic learning obstacles. If we describe the first step of the three-step process according to the most basic points, "pointing out the key facts that become the conflict" cannot be operated smoothly, let alone this point. , point out the "problem" for specific issues to form intentional research question awareness. The first step in the research is to "point out where the problem lies". This is similar to "pointing out the key facts that become the point of conflict" when practicing the case. However, the former is more important than the latter. the power of magical imagination. From this we can see that the root of the above-mentioned problems is all due to the lack of Dharma-contact power, so we cannot see the key facts that have become the conflict, and we cannot find the problem worthy of research. The result is that in the mid-term and final exam, the legal cases they have obtained cannot be properly released, and those who are interested in applying for a research plan for major research at the National Science and Technology Association cannot specifically form a problem concept for the development of research. To this end, the instructor specially improved the results of the 111-year teaching practice and started this course. The core purpose of this course design is to "activate the practitioner's Dharma-connected power, so that he can successfully enter the "thinking state" and be happy to continue thinking and in-depth research." Specifically, the conversation between civil law and criminal law will be carried out using cases designed by the instructor. Under the guidance of the instructor, the practitioners will be allowed to integrate into the dialogue and discuss, and help them enter the "immersive thinking" state.
4.Lexis Advance 法學檢索系統
5.Westlaw International (Westlaw法律新聞全文資料庫)
1. Liu Fangling self-edited textbooks and designated references.
2.http://fjudkm.judicial.gov.tw/(Judgment Intellectual Library)
3.http://jirs.judicial.gov.tw/Index.htm (Judicial Court Law Data Search System)
4.Lexis Advance Law Search System
5.Westlaw International (Westlaw Legal News Full Text Database)
6. Yuedan legal literature index system.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
50 | 平時出席、討論、點問、互動、作業等各式互動整體表現。 |
期末成績期末成績 Final results |
50 | 進行期末報告:1.應於第15週之前繳交6000-12000字書面報告(不含附件)35%,於16-18週口頭發表15%。2.報告分兩類,一為學習成效類,二為研究計畫類。前者係以「改善『系統性學習障礙』或提升『爭點描述三步驟、筆記乃至於閱讀』能力」為對象。後者係以有志於申請國科會大專生研究計畫者為對象。 |