掌握票據法基本知識,培養票據法應用能力。Master the basic knowledge of vote-taking methods and cultivate the application ability of vote-taking methods.
Let students understand the evolution of our country's bill law, the legislative theme and terms of mutual use, and there are relevant matters, and compare the bank's practices and legislative precedents of various countries to compare the mutual gains and losses and legislative references.
Wang Zhicheng, vote method, ten editions revised in 2023, Yuanzhao.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考分數期中考分數 Midterm exam scores |
30 | 依期中考分數加權計分 |
期末考分數期末考分數 Final exam scores |
30 | 依期末考分數加權計分 |
平常分數平常分數 Normal score |
40 | 依課堂互動表現評量 |