本課程在承襲景觀設計、景觀工程及營建材料三門課程的學習成果後,進一步了解推動景觀工程執行前的預算評估方法與基本觀念,並透過一些基本景觀工程單元的供料拆解過程與課堂實習操作,讓同學能夠在步入職場前,可以近距離領略工程估算的整體與細部觀念技術。After contributing to the learning results of the three courses of landscape design, landscape engineering and construction materials, this course further understands the budget evaluation methods and basic concepts before the implementation of landscape engineering, and uses the material dismantling process and class practice of some basic landscape engineering units. Operation allows students to close the overall and detailed conceptual techniques of project estimation before entering the field.
This course is an integrated course, which attempts to integrate the relevant design courses and engineering courses that students have studied to establish a comprehensive concept of landscape design, construction to engineering budget editing.
4.王小璘&何友鋒 景觀設計與施工總論及各論
1. Executive Yuan Public Works Committee fee computer estimation system PCCES download area https://pcces.pcc.gov.tw/csinew/Default.aspx?FunID=Fun_12_11&SearchType=E
2. Public works price database
3. Special issue series of "Building Prices" by Taiwan Research Institute, a legal person,
4. Wang Xiaolin & He Youyin The summary and discussions on landscape design and construction
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席情況出席情況 Attendance |
10 | |
課堂表現課堂表現 Classroom performance |
20 | |
期中報告或測驗期中報告或測驗 Midterm report or test |
30 | |
期末報告或測驗期末報告或測驗 Final report or test |
40 |