1.本課程內容在於引導學生找出適合的數位繪圖軟體於產品表現技法,將線稿、上色、合成、排版、風格、材料近行拆解,最終讓學生自行找到合適的數位繪圖模式。1. The content of this course is to guide students to find suitable digital drawing software in product performance techniques, disassemble the line, coloring, synthesis, layout, style, and materials in a near-line manner, and finally allow students to find suitable digital drawing modes by themselves.
1. 色鉛筆教科書,賴純如,漢欣出版社。
2. 產品設計師壓箱的秘密數位表現技法,施昌甫,上奇資訊有限公司
1. Color pendant textbooks, pure and pure, Hanxin Publishing House.
2. Secret digital representation techniques for product designer pressure box, Shi Changfu, Shangqi Information Co., Ltd.
3. Quick and easy Mac pencil technique, Shimizu Yoshiji, Longxi Publishing House
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
參與度參與度 Participation degree |
30 | 課堂作業、出席率 |
課後作業課後作業 Post-class operations |
30 | 課後作業 |
期中作業期中作業 Midterm operation |
20 | 配合比賽或設計基礎一個內容 |
期末作業期末作業 Final operation |
20 | 配合作品集三個內容 |