經由接觸多元跨域的相關藝術作品分析以及配合數位靜/動態影像之創作訓練與思辨,期望啟發學生創作的深度與廣度︒本創作課程成果:期中與期末各發表一件影像創作計劃︒第一學期的單元議題藝術作品分析將集中討論以影像媒材本質為中心的作品,例如牽涉到機具、時間性、空間性、影像裝置的藝術家作品︒第二學期課程會更進階地討論藝術作品中的跨域議題,例如性別、敘事、檔案等等。為加強學生實務操作能力,本課程需搭配選修2390錄像佈展與攝影技巧(二),請同學務必期初到課聆聽課程安排。Through the analysis of related art works that are connected to multiple and cross-domain, and the creative training and thinking of digital static/dynamic images, we hope to create the depth and diversity of students' creations. The results of this creative course: a video creation plan is published at the mid-term and end of the period. First Unit-term topics during the study period The analysis of the art works will focus on the nature of the image media, such as artists' works involving tools, time, space and imaging devices. The second course will discuss cross-domain issues in artistic works in more advanced ways. , such as gender, incidents, files, etc. In order to enhance students' practical operational skills, this course must be accompanied by 2390 photo exhibition and photography skills (II). Please listen to the course schedule for students when you are studying.
This course will explore different image creation skills, cooperate with the reading and discussion of experimental film and film trend texts, train students' ability to creatively think and visually express, and strengthen their sensitivity to life environment and social discussion topics.
1. Roland Barthres著,許綺玲譯,《明室‧攝影札記》,台北:台灣攝影,1997
2. Susan Sontag著,黃燦然譯,《論攝影》,台北:麥田,2010
3. Maurice Merleau-Ponty著,龔卓軍譯,《身體現象學大師梅洛龐蒂的最後書寫:眼與心》,台北:典藏
5. Celia Lury, Prosthetic Culture: Photography, Memory and Identity, (New York: Routledge 1997)
6. Laura Mulvey Death 24x a second: stillness and the moving image. (Reaktion books,2006)
7. Elwes, Installation and the Moving Image, Location No. 2637, [Kindle version].
2.孫松榮, 〈美術館與電影:從投映到展示的「當代性」〉,《今藝術》,第188期,5月號︒頁170-174
3. Sarah S. Jain, ‘The prosthetic imagination: Enabling and disabling the prosthesis trope.’ Science, Technology &
Human Values 24.1 (1999)
4. Christine Buci-Glucksmann & Emanuele Quinz, ‘For an Esthetics of the Ephemeral’, Hybrid, January 2014
1. 台灣當代藝術資料庫
2. 英國Lux, Artists’ Moving Image
(ㄧ) Book
1. Written by Roland Barthres, translated by Xu Ling, "Ming Room‧Photography Notes", Taipei: Taiwan Photography, 1997
2. by Susan Sontag, Huang Yanan, "On Photography", Taipei: Maitian, 2010
3. Maurice Merleau-Ponty, translated by Wang Zhuo, "The Last Book of Body Diagram Master Merleau-Loudy: Eyes and Heart", Taipei: Collection
Art Family, 2007
4. Chen Yongqin, "Revelation of Recording Art", Taipei: Artist, 2010
5. Celia Lury, Prosthetic Culture: Photography, Memory and Identity, (New York: Routledge 1997)
6. Laura Mulvey Death 24x a second: stillness and the moving image. (Reaktion books,2006)
7. Elwes, Installation and the Moving Image, Location No. 2637, [Kindle version].
(II) Journal articles and interviews
1. Art Viewpoint ACT
2. Sun Songrong, "Art Museum and Movie: "Contemporary Sex" from Projection to Display", "Current Art", No. 188, May No. ︒ Page 170-174
3. Sarah S. Jain, ‘The prosthetic imagination: Enabling and disabling the prosthesis trope.’ Science, Technology &
Human Values 24.1 (1999)
4. Christine Buci-Glucksmann & Emanuele Quinz, ‘For an Esthetics of the Ephemeral’, Hybrid, January 2014
(III) Online Database
1. Taiwan Contemporary Art Database
2. British Lux, Artists’ Moving Image
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席率出席率 Attendance rate |
40 | 上課出席率與學習態度 |
期中作品期中作品 Mid-term works |
30 | 需完成作品並到場評圖,在指定的時間內上傳創作資料至ilearn平台。 |
期末作品期末作品 Final works |
30 | 需完成作品並到場評圖,在指定的時間內上傳創作資料至ilearn平台。 |