授課主題:學科知識發展及術科平靜水域技巧練習﹑開放水域海洋實習、休閒潛水運動的類型區分、安全與規範、台灣休閒潛水運動現況分析、國際潛水市場評估及未來發展、證照制度與職業化的規畫建議!Taiwan is surrounded by sea and the ocean is established. It is in line with the government's marine development policies, promotes the development of leisure and diving sports, and learns through theoretical learning to obtain internationally qualified diving certificates, develops professional skills in diving industry, and establishes PADI professional development. The university diving center is guided by the educational goals of production cooperation and talent cultivation
PADI Junior Open Water Diver Examination Course
Course topics: academic knowledge development and art science and steadily water skills training, open water marine practice, type division of leisure diving sports, safety and regulations, Taiwan leisure diving sports current analysis, international diving market evaluation and future development, certification system and professionalism Planning suggestions!
PADI開放水域潛水員 eLearning多國語言版 ( 包含離線和在線數位手冊,視頻,知識複習,考卷,數位線
上訓練日誌,在線 eRDPML,數位簽證證書)
PADI Open Water Diver eLearning Multi-language Edition (including offline and online digital manuals, videos, knowledge replication, test papers, digital lines
Training journal, online eRDPML, digital certificate)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平常成績平常成績 Normal achievements |
30 | 術科﹕實際操作/出席率 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | eLearning線上教材及測驗 |
期末考 期末考 Final exam |
40 | 術科:開放水域海洋實習 |