讓學生了解運動防護員在健康照護團隊中的角色和功能,並能了解組織特性、傷害機轉、組織復原與傷害處理,包含頭部傷害、脊椎傷害、軀幹傷害(腹部及胸部)、上肢傷害(肩關節、肘關節、腕關節、手)、下肢傷害(足部、踝關節、膝關節)、髖關節及骨盆傷害、呼吸系統及皮膚問題、顏面及頭皮的運動傷害的預防、評估和處置等專業知識和技能。上完此課程後,學生將能夠了解常見運動傷害的處理技術,以幫助運動員其恢復最大功能。Let students understand the role and functions of sports protection personnel in the health care team, and can understand the characteristics of the organization, the rotation of the injury, the organizational recovery and the treatment of injuries, including head injuries, spinal injuries, spinal injuries, spinal injuries (abdomen and chest), and upper limb injuries ( Shoulder joints, elbow joints, wrist joints, hands), lower limb injuries (foot joints, ankle joints, knee joints), hair joints and pelvic injuries, respiratory system and skin problems, prevention, evaluation and disposal of sports injuries on the surface and skin, etc. Professional knowledge and skills. After this course, students will be able to understand the treatment techniques of common sports injuries to help athletes recover their maximum functionality.
1. Principles of Athletic Training: A Comprehensive-Based Approach. Prentice, W.E. Boston, MA: McGraw Hill.
2. 運動傷害急救與防護(二版),作者:Melinda J. Flegel,譯者:李恆儒,林威秀,彭武村,李海吟。出版社:禾楓書局。
3. 運動傷害防護學(2版) 作者: 駱明瑤。出版社:華都文化。
4. 運動傷害圖解聖經 - 成因、預防、診斷、治療、復健 (第二版) 作者: DK Publishing 譯者: 李恆儒、宋季純。出版社:旗標。
5. 運動傷害防護學,作者:張又文等合著。出版社:華格那企業。
1. Principles of Athletic Training: A Comprehensive-Based Approach. Prentice, W.E. Boston, MA: McGraw Hill.
2. First aid and protection of sports injuries (second edition), author: Melinda J. Flegel, translator: Li Hengru, Lin Weixiu, Peng Wucun, Li Haiyin. Publisher: Hefeng Book Bureau.
3. Sports Injury Protection (2nd Edition) Author: Kui Ming. Publisher: Huadu Culture.
4. Illustration of sports injury - Causes, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation (Second Edition) Author: DK Publishing Translator: Li Hengru, Song Jizhu. Publisher: Flag mark.
5. Sports injury prevention and protection, co-authored by Zhang Youwen and others. Publisher: Huagena Enterprise.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂參與課堂參與 Class Participation |
15 | 請踴躍參與課堂 |
出席率出席率 Attendance rate |
20 | 每堂點名,10堂未到(5週)出席成績為0 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
22 | 期中筆試成績 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
22 | 期末筆試成績 |