Healthy industry is one of the most promising industries in the 21st century, with a wide range of diverse ranges, including catering services, literature, education and entertainment; it is more likely to be expanded. Digital information industry can provide, for example, the construction of a remote transfer platform for personal physiological monitoring information , connection of mobile devices, information security control, etc., in order to improve and complete health care industry, the strategic alliance or integration of different industries is an unstoppable trend. Therefore, the course is discussed in addition to the special lectures of relevant management professionals in the business of diversified industries (related industries derived from medical and pharmaceutical prevention and health care industries, long-term care, information and sports fields) and discusses the development and trends of each related industry, through this Understand healthcare industry and think about future career plans as early as possible.
健康產業管理概論 - 華格那出版有限公司h
書碼: KA80 · ISBN : 978-986-362-336-6 · 出版日:2017.02
主編:江長慈 ·
Overview of Health Industry Management - Huagena Publishing Co., Ltd. h
Book code: KA80 · ISBN : 978-986-362-336-6 · Publication date: 2017.02
Editor: Jiang Changci ·
Authors: Liu Shuyun, Wu Zhihong, Jiang Changci, Gao Mengjun, Liu Renzhu, Lin Shufang, Wei Liangxi
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
參與實作與上課態度參與實作與上課態度 Participation and practice and coursework |
40 | 未參與實作達4次以上,將無法通過本課程 |
彈性學習彈性學習 Flexibility Learning |
10 | 依照規定參與彈性學習(17-18週) |
期中報告期中報告 Midterm Report |
25 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
25 |