本課程將介紹運動處方的原則以及評估身體適能的方法,並指導學生如何根據體適能評估的結果設計個人化的運動處方,以改善心肺適能、肌力與肌耐力、體重控制與身體組成、柔軟度、以及平衡。除了針對不同健康族群的運動處方或是運動治療,課程也包含其他特殊需求族群的運動處方計畫,以及運動能力的重建。This course will introduce the principles of exercise prescriptions and methods to evaluate physical fitness, and will guide students to design personalized exercise prescriptions based on the results of physical fitness evaluation to improve cardiopulmonary fitness, strength and muscle endurance, weight control and body composition, softness, and balance. In addition to sports treatments or sports treatments for different healthy groups, the course also includes sports planning for other special needs groups and reconstruction of sports capabilities.
ACSM運動測試與運動處方指引,第十版(ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription)中文版,譯者:林嘉志教授。ISBN : 9789867364814。2019年,力大圖書公司。
ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, Chinese version, translated by Professor Lin Jiazhi. ISBN: 9789867364814. In 2019, Lida Book Company.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂出席課堂出席 Class attendance |
20 | 每堂點名,20分起跳,點名一堂未到扣總分4分,5次未到出席成績為0。 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
25 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
25 | |
期末小組報告期末小組報告 Final group report |
25 | 包括總分10%組內互評成績。 |