有鑑強化社會安全網計畫是當前台灣重要的社會政策,對社會工作未來發展影響甚大。為協助同學及早瞭解在這項政策的具體內涵、以及因此所引伸出的實務操作相關議題,課程規劃從政策背景與目標的總論、各子計畫及其運作的個論兩方面專題。希望透過這些內容幫助學生清楚社會工作專業及其人員在其中所扮演角色,預為日後生涯準備。Strengthening social security network plan is an important social policy in Taiwan at present and has a great impact on the future development of social work. In order to help students understand the specific connotation of this policy and the relevant issues related to the actual operation that are therefore extended, the course planning will focus on two aspects: the summary of policy background and goals, the sub-plan and their discussions on their operations. We hope that through these contents, we will help students understand the roles of social work and their personnel, and are expected to prepare for future careers.
Strengthening social security network planning is an important social policy in Taiwan at the moment. In order to help students understand the specific content of the policy and the relevant issues of practical operations, we plan to prepare for future work or practice. In the course, we will divide the summary of policy background and goals, each sub-project and their operations into the discussion. In terms of the matter, policy makers and practical workers were invited to analyze. We hope that through these contents, we will help students gain an in-depth understanding, and understand the roles of social work and its personnel and the directions for future efforts or improvements.
Department of Health and Welfare (2018). Strengthen the Social Security Network Plan (Approved Version). (107-109)
Department of Health and Welfare (2021). Enhanced Social Security Network's second issue of the plan approved. (110-114).
Editor of Lu Bao (2021). Social Work and Taiwan Society (third edition). Juliu Book Company.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
考試評量考試評量 Exam evaluation |
50 | 期中考 |
分組專題報告分組專題報告 Sub-group topic report |
25 | 含口頭報告(15%)、書面報告(5%)、小組提問(5%) |
課堂表現與出缺席情形課堂表現與出缺席情形 Class performance and absence |
25 | 一、課程中提問 二、出席情形:課程中不定期點名5次,每次不到扣總分2分 ,如需請假請於課程前mail告知。 |