本課程為論述與實作並重課程,透過講授、講座、工作坊和實作方案設計等途徑,帶領修課學生理解國際援助與發展之核心價值、歷史脈絡、工作方法與服務實踐。1970 年代是國際援助工作發展重要的十年,這十年,標示著許多服務轉型,包括工作策略轉向為以社區為主體的計畫模式、從短期的經濟援助轉變為長期的發展自立方案。同時,援助的取向也漸漸考量在地社會條件、文化脈絡,多面向的工作方法和追求總體生活滿意度提升的工作目標也成為非政府組織的遠景。2000年代更著眼於消弭貧窮、權利平等、健康福祉、環境永續等促進全球共榮發展的SDGs目標。這些變化,使得國際援助與發展朝向實踐行動與倡議發聲並行的工作場域。社會工作者涉足這個跨國、跨區域、跨領域、跨文化的服務場域,除了面向實踐現場的社會現象和服務設計外,異地工作生活也再一次刺激工作者回望自身。因此,這堂課除了傳遞國際社會工作的形貌外,更著眼於參與者的實踐反思,透過課程設計累積跨文化工作者的思想與內涵。This course is a discussion and practice and focuses on the course. Through teaching, lectures, workshops and practical design, students are led to the core values, historical structures, working methods and service implementation of international aid and development. The 1970s were an important decade for the development of international aid work, which marked many service transformations, including a shift in work strategies toward community-based planning models and from short-term economic aid to a long-term development independent program. At the same time, the orientation of aid also considers local social conditions and cultural ties, multi-oriented working methods and work goals for pursuing overall satisfaction with life have also become a long-term view of non-governmental organizations. In the 2000s, the SDGs goal was to eliminate SDGs, such as poverty alleviation, equality of rights, health and well-being, and sustainable environment to promote global commonwealth development. These changes have led international aid and development toward practical action and advocacy. Social workers are involved in this cross-border, cross-regional, cross-regional, cross-cultural service field. In addition to the social phenomena and service design that are aimed at the actual situation, work and life in different places have once again stimulated workers to look back on themselves. Therefore, in addition to conveying the appearance of international social work, this class also focuses on the actual reflection of participants and accumulates the thoughts and connotations of cross-cultural workers through the course design.
國際社會工作涵蓋了國際援助(International Aid)和國際發展(International Development)。這個領域源自於二次大戰後,冷戰時期地緣政治間的權力傾軋,強權透過各種形式的援助計劃爭取政治支持。其中,國際非政府組織(International Non-governmental Organization, NGOs)亦成為援助與發展計畫的執行機構,服務內容大至國家層級、小至地方村落;服務類型擴及基礎建設、農工業發展、公共衛生、教育學習、社會服務、醫療健康等關乎一個人生存所需之各項政策、制度或資源。因此,本課程囊括地域、專業、文化間的協作,著重跨國、跨領域、多重知識系統之理解訓練,期待社會工作者具備冷眼熱心之視野貼近跨文化工作場域,洞悉在地社會情境和需求,發展符合在地文化與知識體系之工作內涵。
International social work covers International Aid and International Development. This field originated from the power of the geopolitical politics during the Cold War after the Second Great War, and its powers gained political support through various forms of aid plans. Among them, International Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) have also become an execution organization for aid and development projects, serving as national-level and small to local villages; serving type expansion and basic construction, agricultural development, and public Hygiene, education, social services, medical health, etc. are related to the policies, systems or resources needed for a person's survival. Therefore, this course covers regional, professional and cultural collaborations, focusing on the understanding and training of cross-border, cross-regional, and multiple knowledge systems. We hope that social workers will have a cold eye and warm vision to get closer to the cross-cultural work field and understand the local social situation and needs , development is in line with the work connotation of local culture and knowledge systems.
Teachers design textbooks by themselves
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中報告期中報告 Midterm Report |
30 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
40 | |
課堂參與和討論課堂參與和討論 Class meetings and discussions |
30 |